Étiquette : uber (Page 2 of 7)

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi

“Uber Technologies Inc. recently received proposals from Wall Street banks valuing the ride-hailing company at as much as $120 billion in an initial public offering that could take place early next year, according to people familiar with the matter.That eye-popping figure is nearly double Uber’s valuation in a fundraising round two months ago and more than General Motors Co. , Ford Motor Co. and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV are worth combined.”

Source : Uber Proposals Value Company at $120 Billion in a Possible IPO – WSJ

“William Wallace, senior policy analyst for Consumers Union, the advocacy division of Consumer Reports, called Uber “reckless” and said the NTSB report “makes it clear that a self-driving car was tested on public roads when it wasn’t safe enough to be there, and it killed a pedestrian.” He added that the system “was far too dangerous to be tested off a closed track.”Some cities expressed hesitation about immediately allowing Uber to return to testing”.

Source : Uber disabled emergency braking in self-driving car: U.S. agency | Reuters

“Les projets initiaux porteront sur la modélisation de la demande en transport basée sur le machine learning, des simulations de gestion de trafic aérien dense en basse altitude, l’intégration de solutions innovantes de transport dans l’espace aérien en lien avec les régulateurs français et européens tels que l’AESA et le développement des smarts grids afin d’alimenter les futures flottes de transports électriques aériennes et terrestres”.

Source : Uber s’associe à l’X pour créer la Chaire « Integrated Urban Mobility » | Ecole polytechnique

«Software designers face a basic tradeoff here. If the software is programmed to be too cautious, the ride will be slow and jerky, as the car constantly slows down for objects that pose no threat to the car or aren’t there at all. Tuning the software in the opposite direction will produce a smooth ride most of the time—but at the risk that the software will occasionally ignore a real object. According to Efrati, that’s what happened in Tempe in March—and unfortunately the « real object » was a human being».

Source : Report: Software bug led to death in Uber’s self-driving crash | Ars Technica

«D’un point de vue plus stratégique, on peut aussi dire que l’uberisation concurrence des ressources stratégiques (par exemple les licences de taxi ou les emplacements pour les hôtels) par la mutualisation de ressources ordinaires (des individus possédant une voiture ou des logements vides). Le prix d’une licence de taxi à New York s’est ainsi effondré de 1,3 million de dollars en 2014 à seulement 241 000 dollars en 2017. On peut donc en être certain : même si Uber disparaît, l’uberisation – qui touche désormais des industries aussi diverses que le transport routier (avec Trusk), les parkings (avec Parkadom), la publicité (avec Eyeka), le conseil (avec BTG) ou même les salons de coiffure (avec PopMyDay) – lui survivra, et c’est déjà considérable».

Source : Uber, le capitalisme dévoyé

Uber Ripley

«The Uber HQ team overseeing Ripley could remotely change passwords and otherwise lock up data on company-owned smartphones, laptops, and desktops as well as shut down the devices. This routine was initially called the unexpected visitor protocol. Employees aware of its existence eventually took to calling it Ripley, after Sigourney Weaver’s flamethrower-wielding hero in the Alien movies. The nickname was inspired by a Ripley line in Aliens, after the acid-blooded extraterrestrials easily best a squad of ground troops. ‘Nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.’»

Source : Uber’s Secret Tool for Keeping the Cops in the Dark – Bloomberg


«These Uber security employees went to great lengths to hide their surveillance activities from the authorities, Jacobs says. They used computers not purchased by Uber that ran on Mi-Fi devices, so the traffic wouldn’t appear on Uber’s network. They also used virtual public networks and “non-attributable architecture of contracted Amazon Web Services” to further conceal their efforts, Jacobs alleges. Who were they surveilling? Jacobs says SSG’s targets included “politicians, regulators, law enforcement, taxi organizations, and labor unions in, at a minimum, the US.”

Source : Uber allegedly hacked rivals, surveilled politicians, and impersonated protestors – The Verge


Le rapport capital-travail se cristallise autour de l’accès à la plate-forme. Les chauffeurs n’ont la main ni sur la plate-forme ni sur les données. C’est ici que se concrétise le lien de subordination et, potentiellement, le conflit, comme en témoignent les récents mouvements sociaux de chauffeurs et livreurs en Europe. Il est donc impossible d’affirmer que les chauffeurs d’Uber (ou les livreurs à vélo) ont un quelconque contrôle sur les moyens de production.

Via Le Monde

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