Mois : novembre 2024

Données de santé : Clever Cloud et d’autres sociétés saisissent la CEDH – Next

Données de santé : Clever Cloud et d’autres sociétés saisissent la CEDH

“…la pseudonymisation des données et la certification de Microsoft comme HDS (Hébergeur de données de santé), rendant obligatoires les audits réguliers.Insuffisant pour Clever Cloud : « il est de doctrine courante que la pseudonymisation des données n’apporte aucune garantie définitive quant à la protection des données personnelles, encore moins au regard des capacités de traitement des Intelligences Artificielles qui facilitent considérablement la réidentification ».Quant aux audits liés à l’accréditation HDS, ils « n’apportent aucune garantie supplémentaire face à des demandes d’accès extrajuridictionelles émises en particulier par la NSA et dont la spécificité est justement d’être couvertes par le secret ». Clever Cloud note également qu’aucune de ces justifications n’entre dans le cadre du RGPD.”

Source : Données de santé : Clever Cloud et d’autres sociétés saisissent la CEDH – Next

L’association HOP porte plainte contre l’entreprise d’imprimantes HP

Nous voulons des imprimantes qui durent - Je signe la pétition.

“Après des mois d’enquête, nous décidons de porter à la connaissance du Procureur de la République des pratiques de HP qui nous semblent scandaleuses en 2024 mais surtout interdites en France. L’association dénonce des stratégies illégales, déloyales et agressives de HP qui visent à encourager la surconsommation de cartouches neuves de la marque. Des pratiques préjudiciables pour les consommateurs·ices et pour l’environnement.”

Source : L’association HOP porte plainte contre l’entreprise d’imprimantes HP | HOP

Building a Large Geospatial Model to Achieve Spatial Intelligence

“Niantic’s VPS is built from user scans, taken from different perspectives and at various times of day, at many times during the years, and with positioning information attached, creating a highly detailed understanding of the world. This data is unique because it is taken from a pedestrian perspective and includes places inaccessible to cars.Today we have 10 million scanned locations around the world, and over 1 million of those are activated and available for use with our VPS service. We receive about 1 million fresh scans each week, each containing hundreds of discrete images. ”

Source : Building a Large Geospatial Model to Achieve Spatial Intelligence – Niantic Labs

AI Scambaiters: O2 creates AI Granny to waste scammers’ time

“O2 has created human-like Daisy, an AI ‘Granny’ to answer calls in real time from fraudsters, keeping them on the phone and away from customers for as long as possible. With Daisy revealing how you’re not always speaking to the person you think you are, O2 is urging customers to remain vigilant, leave ‘scambaiting’ to the AI experts and report suspected fraudulent calls and texts for free to 7726”

Source : Youtube – O2 – AI Scambaiters: O2 creates AI Granny to waste scammers’ time

New intelligent, real-time protections on Android to keep you safe

“Real-time protection, built with your privacy in mind. Real-time defense, right on your device: Scam Detection uses powerful on-device AI to notify you of a potential scam call happening in real-time by detecting conversation patterns commonly associated with scams. For example, if a caller claims to be from your bank and asks you to urgently transfer funds due to an alleged account breach, Scam Detection will process the call to determine whether the call is likely spam and, if so, can provide an audio and haptic alert and visual warning that the call may be a scam. Private by design, you’re always in control: We’ve built Scam Detection to protect your privacy and ensure you’re always in control of your data. Scam Detection is off by default, and you can decide whether you want to activate it for future calls. At any time, you can turn it off for all calls in the Phone app Settings, or during a particular call. The AI detection model and processing are fully on-device, which means that no conversation audio or transcription is stored on the device, sent to Google servers or anywhere else, or retrievable after the call. Cutting-edge AI protection, now on more Pixel phones: Gemini Nano, our advanced on-device AI model, powers Scam Detection on Pixel 9 series devices. As part of our commitment to bring powerful AI features to even more devices, this AI-powered protection is available to Pixel 6+ users thanks to other robust Google on-device machine learning models.”

Source : Google Online Security Blog: Safer with Google: New intelligent, real-time protections on Android to keep you safe

Viginum alerte sur une hausse des attaques de manipulation de l’information ciblant la France

“Sur le résultat réel de ces tentatives de manipulation, Marc-Antoine Brillant a expliqué aux sénateurs qu’il n’y a pas de consensus académique ou scientifique pour le mesurer. « Principalement empirique, l’analyse de l’impact consiste bien souvent à relever des indicateurs de visibilité des principales plateformes de réseaux sociaux, avec le caractère relatif de ces indicateurs (nombre de vues, de likes, de repartage ou commentaires) » décrit-il. Mais il s’est empressé de rajouter que « ça ne fournit qu’une vision parcellaire d’une exposition d’un lectorat ou auditorat à une campagne sans permettre de connaitre les effets sur le long terme ». Et il ajoute qu’ « une simple approche qui serait fondée aujourd’hui sur des indicateurs issus de plateforme, ne permet qu’une mesure partielle de la visibilité de la manœuvre informationnelle puisqu’elle écarte la nécessaire analyse de l’état sociologique d’une population donnée exposée de manière répétée à un narratif sur un temps long avec les biais qui peuvent en découler ».”

Source : Viginum alerte sur une hausse des attaques de manipulation de l’information ciblant la France – Next

OpenAI Nears Launch of AI Agents to Automate Tasks For Users

“OpenAI is preparing to launch a new artificial intelligence agent codenamed “Operator” that can use a computer to take actions on a person’s behalf, such as writing code or booking travel, according to two people familiar with the matter […].

The planned release is part of a broader industry push toward agents, or AI software that can complete multi-step tasks for users with minimal supervision. Anthropic unveiled a similar agent that can process what’s happening on the user’s computer in real time and take actions on their behalf.”

Source : OpenAI Nears Launch of AI Agents to Automate Tasks For Users – Bloomberg

How ChatGPT Brought Down an Online Education Giant

“Since ChatGPT’s launch, Chegg has lost more than half a million subscribers who pay up to $19.95 a month for prewritten answers to textbook questions and on-demand help from experts. Its stock is down 99% from early 2021, erasing some $14.5 billion of market value. Bond traders have doubts the company will continue bringing in enough cash to pay its debts. Though Chegg has built its own AI products, the company is struggling to convince customers and investors it still has value in a market upended by ChatGPT.”

Source : How ChatGPT Brought Down an Online Education Giant – WSJ

Google DeepMind releases code behind its most advanced protein prediction program | Science | AAAS

“The DeepMind researchers also contend that, contrary to some critics’ claims, the Nature paper was reproducible, as demonstrated by the fact that multiple groups have since made their own versions of AlphaFold3 based on the pseudocode. AI-focused companies such as Baidu, Ligo Biosciences, and Chai Discovery have already released the results of such efforts.These alternative “implementations” will likely still be useful, even with AlphaFold3’s code now released, notes Daniel Buchan, a bioinformatics researcher at University College London. For one thing, “It’s good and important that methods can be replicated,” he says. Comparing and contrasting the models will likely lead to improvements in the future, Wankowicz adds.”

Source : Google DeepMind releases code behind its most advanced protein prediction program | Science | AAAS

Mark Zuckerberg says a lot more AI generated content is coming to fill up your Facebook and Instagram feeds

“First we had friends. Then we had influencers. And if Mark Zuckerberg is correct, the next big thing in our social media feeds will be AI generated content. Lots of it. Zuckerberg described our future feeds during Facebook-parent company Meta’s third quarter earnings conference call on Wednesday, describing it as a natural evolution. ”

Source : Mark Zuckerberg says a lot more AI generated content is coming to fill up your Facebook and Instagram feeds | Fortune

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