Mois : janvier 2020

“The documents, from a subsidiary of the antivirus giant Avast called Jumpshot, shine new light on the secretive sale and supply chain of peoples’ internet browsing histories. They show that the Avast antivirus program installed on a person’s computer collects data, and that Jumpshot repackages it into various different products that are then sold to many of the largest companies in the world. Some past, present, and potential clients include Google, Yelp, Microsoft, McKinsey, Pepsi, Home Depot, Condé Nast, Intuit, and many others. Some clients paid millions of dollars for products that include a so-called « All Clicks Feed, » which can track user behavior, clicks, and movement across websites in highly precise detail.”

Source : Leaked Documents Expose the Secretive Market for Your Web Browsing Data – VICE

“Data provided to Earther by an SEO professional who asked to remain anonymous shows that Bloomberg is targeting more than 840 search terms that specifically reference climate with hundreds more that reference climate-adjacent terms. The results shows Bloomberg is open to welcoming deniers into the fold with ads purchased around terms like “is climate change a hoax” and“is climate change a hoax,” preppers (“best places to survive climate change”), and those concerned with related issues (“poverty and climate change”). At least some ads also target picking off voters interested in other candidates (“Elizabeth Warren climate plan”).”

Source : Michael Bloomberg Buys Most ‘Climate Change’ Ads on Google

“C’est l’Union américaine pour les libertés civiles (ACLU) qui a appris l’engagement de Spot par la police. L’organisation a exigé des détails des autorités, qu’elle a en partie obtenus. Boston Dynamics a prêté plusieurs chiens-robots à la police de l’Etat du Massachusetts d’août à début novembre. Les machines ont notamment été testées par des équipes de déminage. La police s’est refusée à donner davantage d’informations, se contentant de dire que Spot avait été engagé sur le terrain lors de deux opérations réelles.”

Source : Les chiens-robots de Boston Dynamics suscitent la crainte – Le Temps

Et si Facebook n’était qu’un malentendu…

“Augmented and virtual reality are about delivering a sense of presence — the feeling that you’re right there with another person or in another place. Instead of having devices that take us away from the people around us, the next platform will help us be more present with each other and will help the technology get out of the way. Even though some of the early devices seem clunky, I think these will be the most human and social technology platforms anyone has built yet.
The ability to be « present » anywhere will also help us address some of the biggest social issues of our day — like ballooning housing costs and inequality of opportunity by geography. Today, many people feel like they have to move to cities because that’s where the jobs are. But there isn’t enough housing in many cities, so housing costs are skyrocketing while quality of living is decreasing. Imagine if you could live anywhere you chose and access any job anywhere else. If we deliver on what we’re building, this should be much closer to reality by 2030.”

From : Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook

“‘Notability are notoriously byzantine, to say it kindly,’ the anonymous editor says. They hope the push to reform the guidelines will help compensate for the historic underrepresentation of women and minorities, since it’s not just women who find their path into Wikipedia blocked. ‘A lot of prejudice is unconscious and intersectional,’ says Lubbock. ‘Wikipedia is dealing not just with a gender inequality issue, but also racial and geographical inequalities.’

Source : Female scientists’ pages keep disappearing from Wikipedia – what’s going on? | News | Chemistry World

“Companies and governments are gaining new powers to follow people across the internet and around the world, and even to peer into their genomes. The benefits of such advances have been apparent for years; the costs — in anonymity, even autonomy — are now becoming clearer. The boundaries of privacy are in dispute, and its future is in doubt. Citizens, politicians and business leaders are asking if societies are making the wisest tradeoffs. The Times is embarking on this monthslong project to explore the technology and where it’s taking us, and to convene debate about how it can best help realize human potential.”

Source : Opinion | The Privacy Project – The New York Times

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