Mois : août 2018 (Page 1 of 3)


“OpenAI Five lost two games against top Dota 2 players at The International in Vancouver this week, maintaining a good chance of winning for the first 20-35 minutes of both games”.

Source : The International 2018: Results

“We’re making advertising more transparent to help prevent abuse on Facebook, especially during elections. Today we’re starting to roll out the Ad Archive API, so researchers and journalists can more easily analyze Facebook ads related to politics or issues of national importance”.

Source : Introducing the Ad Archive API | Facebook Newsroom

“Dans l’un de ses messages publiés le 28 août, Donald Trump menace directement Google : « Cette situation est très grave, et nous allons nous en occuper. » Le 5 septembre, le PDG de Twitter, Jack Dorsey, est convoqué par la majorité républicaine devant une commission du Congrès, où il sera interrogé sur les règles de modération de son réseau social — la majeure partie des questions de la droite devrait concerner la prétendue « censure » visant les conservateurs”.

Source : Donald Trump accuse Twitter et Google actualités de « censure »

“An idle Android device communicates with Google nearly 10 times more frequently as an Apple device communicates with Apple servers. These results highlighted the fact that Android and Chrome platforms are critical vehicles for Google’s data collection.  Again, these experiments were done on stationary phones with no user interactions. If you actually use your phone the information collection increases with Google”.
“In fact, location information constituted 35 percent of all the data samples sent to Google”.

Source : Google Data Collection research – Digital Content Next

“Powered by the Quadro RTX 6000, this demo shows off production-quality rendering and cinematic frame rates, enabling users to interact with scene elements in real time”.

via NVIDIA (YouTube)

“We don’t just want this to be an academically interesting result – we want it to be used in real treatment. So our paper also takes on one of the key barriers for AI in clinical practice: the “black box” problem. For most AI systems, it’s very hard to understand exactly why they make a recommendation. That’s a huge issue for clinicians and patients who need to understand the system’s reasoning, not just its output – the why as well as the what.
Our system takes a novel approach to this problem, combining two different neural networks with an easily interpretable representation between them. The first neural network, known as the segmentation network, analyses the OCT scan to provide a map of the different types of eye tissue and the features of disease it sees, such as haemorrhages, lesions, irregular fluid or other symptoms of eye disease. This map allows eyecare professionals to gain insight into the system’s “thinking.” The second network, known as the classification network, analyses this map to present clinicians with diagnoses and a referral recommendation. Crucially, the network expresses this recommendation as a percentage, allowing clinicians to assess the system’s confidence in its analysis”.

Source : A major milestone for the treatment of eye disease | DeepMind

“Once, the Internet was fun. It’s time to move on. We’ve built up archives of our past selves online over the years — tweets, social media, message-board posts, live journals or, ahem, deadjournals. And, increasingly, those past selves have become liabilities. Multiple professional baseball players have now apologized for ugly old tweets containing racist and anti-gay slurs. The tweets, written while they were teens, resurfaced online”.

Source : How do I delete my old tweets? Here’s a step-by-step guide. – The Washington Post

“Mr. Vassilev, 32, does not provide the views himself. His website,, connects customers with services that offer views, likes and dislikes generated by computers, not humans. When a supplier cannot fulfill an order, Mr. Vassilev — like a modern switchboard operator — quickly connects with another. “I can deliver an unlimited amount of views to a video,” Mr. Vassilev said in an interview. “They’ve tried to stop it for so many years, but they can’t stop it. There’s always a way around.””

Source : The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views – The New York Times

Four video still images of Tucker Carlson speaking

Four video still images that mirror the original Tucker Carlson video. The face on the speaker appears to be that of actor Nicolas Cage.

“Lyu says a skilled forger could get around his eye-blinking tool simply by collecting images that show a person blinking. But he adds that his team has developed an even more effective technique, but says he’s keeping it secret for the moment. “I’d rather hold off at least for a little bit,” Lyu says. “We have a little advantage over the forgers right now, and we want to keep that advantage.””

Source : The Defense Department has produced the first tools for catching deepfakes – MIT Technology Review

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