Mois : avril 2022

Présidentielle : un quiz pour choisir son candidat avantage secrètement Éric Zemmour

Présidentielle : un quiz pour choisir son candidat avantage secrètement Éric Zemmour

“Surtout, dans l’immense majorité des cas, après avoir répondu aux 10 questions, le site nous indiquera que « le candidat qui nous correspond » est Éric Zemmour. Ce n’est qu’après plusieurs essais et en inspectant le code source du site que Numerama s’est aperçu qu’il était possible d’avoir d’autres résultats : le test peut, supposément, donner comme réponse Yannick Jadot, Fabien Roussel, Emmanuel Macron et Valérie Pécresse. Les autres candidats ne sont pas inscrits et ne peuvent donc jamais apparaître dans les résultats.”

Source : Présidentielle : un quiz pour choisir son candidat avantage secrètement Éric Zemmour – Numerama

Jack Dorsey: I’m ‘Partially to Blame’ for Centralizing the Internet

“Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said on Saturday he partially blames himself for the state of the internet today. « The days of usenet, irc, the web…even email (w PGP)…were amazing, » Dorsey said in a tweet, referring to certain online communication systems that date back to the early days of the internet. « Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. » « I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it, » Dorsey continued.

Dorsey, who co-founded Twitter in 2006 and served as its CEO before resigning in November, has previously supported decentralizing the internet.”

Source : Jack Dorsey: I’m ‘Partially to Blame’ for Centralizing the Internet

“Google has yanked dozens of apps from its Google Play store after determining that they include a software element that surreptitiously harvests data.The Panamanian company that wrote the code, Measurement Systems S. de R.L., is linked through corporate records and web registrations to a Virginia defense contractor that does cyberintelligence, network-defense and intelligence-intercept work for U.S. national-security agencies.The code ran on millions of Android devices and has been found inside several Muslim prayer apps that have been downloaded more than 10 million times, as well as a highway-speed-trap detection app, a QR-code reading app and a number of other popular consumer apps, according to two researchers who discovered the behavior of the code in the course of auditing work they do searching for vulnerabilities in Android apps. They shared their findings with Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., federal privacy regulators and The Wall Street Journal.”

Source : Google Bans Apps With Hidden Data-Harvesting Software – WSJ

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