Mois : juin 2023

Concerns over DNS Blocking. June 23, 2023 | by Vinton Cerf

“The proposed Article 35 of the Military Planning Law gives ANSSI the authority to install “technical markers” — hardware and software enabling the collection of user data on the networks of electronic communications operators and data center operators. This provision would grant ANSSI the authority to install surveillance capabilities in private data centers without due process, posing a grave risk to the civil liberties of both French and global Internet users. This appears to be in conflict not only with EU law but also with the OECD Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities, which seeks to ensure that “government access should be carried out in a manner that is not excessive in relation to the legitimate aims and in accordance with legal standards of necessity, proportionality, reasonableness and other standards that protect against the risk of misuse and abuse, as set out in and interpreted within the country’s legal framework.””

Source : Concerns over DNS Blocking. June 23, 2023 | by vinton cerf | Jun, 2023 | Medium

ICI T LIBRE ! – ☼ Bienvenue sur le blog de l’équipe Skyrock !! ☼

“Aujourd’hui, les skyblogs rentrent dans l’Histoire. Pour nous mettre en conformité avec la législation sur les données personnelles, pour conserver la plateforme et les skyblogs dans leur présentation candide et éruptive, il nous faut la geler et la retirer de l’accès public. Chacun pourra transférer sur sa machine son blog, s’il le souhaite, et éventuellement l’effacer. Puis ce trésor sociologique sera anonymisé et prendra le chemin des archives nationales* afin que demain les érudits et les chercheurs puissent se rendre compte avec une granularité inimaginable précédemment de ce qu’était la nouvelle génération du début du XXIe siècle.”

Source : ICI T LIBRE ! – ☼ Bienvenue sur le blog de l’équipe Skyrock !! ☼

Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the EU AI Act? – Stanford CRFM

“We find that foundation model providers unevenly comply with the stated requirements of the draft EU AI Act. Enacting and enforcing the EU AI Act will bring about significant positive change in the foundation model ecosystem. Foundation model providers’ compliance with requirements regarding copyright, energy, risk, and evaluation is especially poor, indicating areas where model providers can improve. Our assessment shows sharp divides along the boundary of open vs. closed releases: we believe that all providers can feasibly improve their conduct, independent of where they fall along this spectrum. Overall, our analysis speaks to a broader trend of waning transparency: providers should take action to collectively set industry standards that improve transparency, and policymakers should take action to ensure adequate transparency underlies this general-purpose technology.”

Source : Stanford CRFM

Wikilegal/Copyright Analysis of ChatGPT

“It is important to note that Creative Commons licenses allow for free reproduction and reuse, so AI programs like ChatGPT might copy text from a Wikipedia article or an image from Wikimedia Commons. However, it is not clear yet whether massively copying content from these sources may result in a violation of the Creative Commons license if attribution is not granted. Overall, it is more likely than not if current precedent holds that training systems on copyrighted data will be covered by fair use in the United States, but there is significant uncertainty at time of writing. ”

Source : Wikilegal/Copyright Analysis of ChatGPT – Meta

Everyone Says Social Media Is Bad for Teens. Proving It Is Another Thing

“They agreed on a few steps parents could take now: Set limits, especially around bedtime. Don’t give a young teenager a smartphone right away. Start with a smartwatch or a phone without internet. Talk to your teenagers: Have them show you what they’re seeing, ask them how it makes them feel and discuss privacy and safety. Make a family screen time plan that takes into account which activities increase stress versus provide long-term satisfaction. Model responsible internet use yourself. It’s not about monitoring certain apps, said Caleb T. Carr, a professor of communication at Illinois State: “Instead, parents should engage with their kids. Just like parents did pre-social media, talk about being good humans and citizens, talk about respect for others and themselves, and talk about how their day was.””

Source : Everyone Says Social Media Is Bad for Teens. Proving It Is Another Thing. – The New York Times

A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without Amazon

“This incident has led me to question my relationship with Amazon. After nearly a decade of loyalty, I’ve been given a harsh reminder that a misunderstanding can lead to such drastic measures. It seems more reasonable to handle such issues in a more compartmentalized way, rather than a blanket shutdown of all services. Due to this experience, I am seriously considering discontinuing my use of Amazon Echo devices and will caution others about this incident. This ordeal has made a case for a more personalized home assistant system, perhaps utilizing Raspberry Pi devices scattered around the house.”

Source : A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without Amazon | by Brandon Jackson | Jun, 2023 | Medium

Google forced to postpone Bard chatbot’s EU launch over privacy concerns

“Google will have to postpone starting its artificial intelligence chatbot Bard in the European Union after its main data regulator in the bloc raised privacy concerns. The Irish Data Protection Commission said Tuesday that the tech giant had so far provided insufficient information about how its generative AI tool protects Europeans’ privacy to justify an EU launch. The Dublin-based authority is Google’s main European data supervisor under the bloc’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). « Google recently informed the Data Protection Commission of its intention to launch Bard in the EU this week, » said Deputy Commissioner Graham Doyle. The watchdog « had not had any detailed briefing nor sight of a data protection impact assessment or any supporting documentation at this point. »”

Source : Google forced to postpone Bard chatbot’s EU launch over privacy concerns – POLITICO

«Avec Apple Vision Pro, la collecte des données passe de la sphère privée à celle de l’intime» – Frédéric Kaplan

“La grande faiblesse du système d’OpenAI est qu’il est situé hors du monde, sans lien avec le contexte social et physique. Les conversations avec ChatGPT sont purement linguistiques, sans aucun ancrage dans une réalité partagée.
Le modèle de langage que développera Apple va au contraire pouvoir bénéficier de données d’entrainement liées à des flux visuels et aux capteurs 3D d’Apple Vision Pro qui donnent une représentation très détaillée du contexte dans laquelle a lieu l’interaction, et du suivi du regard de l’utilisateur. Ce sont des informations d’une pertinence incroyable pour comprendre le sens des interactions conversationnelles.
Si le produit est un succès, Apple sera sans doute la seule entreprise au monde capable de lier les modèles de langue avec l’attention, l’intentionnalité et les compétences d’un locuteur situé dans un contexte physique et social. La fusion de ces informations pourrait donner lieu à un système d’intelligence artificielle encore plus puissant que ceux développés par toutes les autres entreprises de la Silicon Valley.”

Source : «Avec Apple Vision Pro, la collecte des données passe de la sphère privée à celle de l’intime» –

Leaked EU Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption

“Security experts have long said that any potential backdoors into encrypted communications or ways to decrypt services would undermine the overall security of the encryption. If law enforcement officials have a way to decipher messages, criminal hackers or those working on behalf of governments could exploit the same capabilities.”

Source : Leaked EU Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption | WIRED

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