YouTube, which spent the first 10 years of its life as a free service, is getting ready to start selling tickets.
Source : YouTube Prepares to Launch Two Subscription Services in One | Re/code
YouTube, which spent the first 10 years of its life as a free service, is getting ready to start selling tickets.
Source : YouTube Prepares to Launch Two Subscription Services in One | Re/code
Twitter is building a new product that will allow users to share tweets that are longer than the company’s 140-character limit, according to multiple people familiar with the company’s plans.
Source : Twitter Plans to Go Beyond Its 140-Character Limit | Re/code
Lenovo seems to be testing the boundaries of trust.
Source : Lenovo collects usage data on ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and ThinkStation PCs | Computerworld
Le compte officiel Twitter de Call of Duty a suscité, mardi 29 septembre, une vague de réprobations après le live tweet (le commentaire en direct sur le réseau social) d’une attaque terroriste fictive à Singapour.
Source : Pour faire la promo de « Call of Duty », une fausse attaque terroriste
MediaCom, l’agence d’achat d’espaces de Volkswagen, demande aux journaux de ne publier « aucun article relatif à la crise VW » dans les parutions « des 6, 8 et 10 octobre prochains », ou les « investissements » prévus, d’un montant de 315.000 euros, ne seront pas maintenus.Le même engagement permet aussi aux journaux de maintenir la campagne de pub de la marque Audi (filiale de Volkswagen). Le montant, là aussi, est précisé : 1.465.000 euros.
L’ONG Plan international a monté une campagne virale à partir d’un faux blog pour dénoncer le sort d’enfants déscolarisés et exploités à la maison. Une bien mauvaise idée.
The environmental and public health cost of VW’s fraud is significant, but it’s easy to imagine industries and scenarios where it’d be much worse. Perhaps the best we can hope for is that the avoidance of regulatory frameworks on Internet of Things won’t have the kind of occasional systemic impact that large-scale financial misconduct has accustomed us to.
Source : The price of the Internet of Things will be a vague dread of a malicious world
Prototyping tools for the Internet of Things
Source : Particle (formerly Spark) | Prototyping tools for the Internet of Things
It turns on your TV and brings you right to Netflix, dims your lights, silences your phone, and even orders you food. Intrigued? Follow along with our instructions to make your own.
Source : The Switch
To understand literature, Moretti argues, we must stop reading books.
Source : The Mechanic Muse – What Is Distant Reading? – The New York Times
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