Mois : février 2022

Q on a flag

“Now two teams of forensic linguists say their analysis of the Q texts shows that Mr. Furber, one of the first online commentators to call attention to the earliest messages, actually played the lead role in writing them. Sleuths hunting for the writer behind Q have increasingly overlooked Mr. Furber and focused their speculation on another QAnon booster: Ron Watkins, who operated a website where the Q messages began appearing in 2018 and is now running for Congress in Arizona. And the scientists say they found evidence to back up those suspicions as well. Mr. Watkins appears to have taken over from Mr. Furber at the beginning of 2018. Both deny writing as Q. The studies provide the first empirical evidence of who invented the toxic QAnon myth, and the scientists who conducted the studies said they hoped that unmasking the creators might weaken its hold over QAnon followers.”

Source : Who Is Behind QAnon? Linguistic Detectives Find Fingerprints – The New York Times

« The facial recognition company Clearview AI is telling investors it is on track to have 100 billion facial photos in its database within a year, enough to ensure “almost everyone in the world will be identifiable,” according to a financial presentation from December obtained by The Washington Post.

And the company wants to expand beyond scanning faces for the police, saying in the presentation that it could monitor “gig economy” workers and is researching a number of new technologies that could identify someone based on how they walk, detect their location from a photo or scan their fingerprints from afar ».

Source : Clearview AI predicts 100 billion photos will give it worldwide facial recognition ability – The Washington Post

“Cheep a été justement présenté partout comme un contributeur historique de l’encyclopédie, actif depuis 15 ans, et qui a profité de cette aura pour se sortir de certaines situations houleuses — notamment lorsqu’il avait tenté de publier sur Wikipédia que « la responsabilité dans la Shoah en France [de Philippe Pétain et Pierre Laval] est sujette à débat.» À l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, le 18 février à midi, Samuel Lafont dénonce une « censure » de Wikipédia en générant de nombreux tweets sur le sujet. Il y a deux semaines, le Monde décortiquait ces opérations d’exposition sur Twitter, menées et assumées par le responsable de la stratégie numérique d’Éric Zemmour, qui permettent à certains hashtags de devenir artificiellement populaires sur le réseau social.”

Source : Wikipédia bannit 7 contributeurs qui trompaient l’encyclopédie pour favoriser Éric Zemmour – Numerama

“We’ve become aware that individuals can receive unwanted tracking alerts for benign reasons, such as when borrowing someone’s keys with an AirTag attached, or when traveling in a car with a family member’s AirPods left inside. We also have seen reports of bad actors attempting to misuse AirTag for malicious or criminal purposes. Apple has been working closely with various safety groups and law enforcement agencies. Through our own evaluations and these discussions, we have identified even more ways we can update AirTag safety warnings and help guard against further unwanted tracking.”

Source : An update on AirTag and unwanted tracking – Apple

“There have been several AI breakthroughs to-date, including AI agents that have mastered arcade games, complex strategy games such as chess, shogi and Go as well as other real-time, multiplayer strategy games. GT Sophy takes game AI to the next level, tackling the challenge of a hyper-realistic simulator by mastering real-time control of vehicles with complex dynamics, all while operating within inches of opponents.”

Source : PROJECT | Gran Turismo Sophy

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“Google Analytics permet de disposer de statistiques de fréquentation d’un site web. Saisie de plaintes par l’association NOYB, la CNIL, en coopération avec ses homologues européens, a analysé les conditions dans lesquelles les données collectées grâce à cet outil sont transférées vers les États-Unis. La CNIL estime que ces transferts sont illégaux et impose à un gestionnaire du site web français de se conformer au RGPD et, si nécessaire, de ne plus utiliser cet outil dans les conditions actuelles.”

Source : Utilisation de Google Analytics et transferts de données vers les États-Unis : la CNIL met en demeure un gestionnaire de site web | CNIL

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