« Missed you darling… »
Via Vinclu
« Missed you darling… »
Via Vinclu
Percentage of adults per county who think …
Source : How Americans Think About Climate Change, in Six Maps – The New York Times
« The progress AI is making is far beyond our imagination. […]. I believe the future belongs to AI. But AlphaGo will always be a cold machine. Compared to human, I can’t feel its passion and love for Go. Well, its passion might only come from overheating with the CPU running too fast ». – Ke Jie
« In the first phase it’s going to be available (at) all tourist attractions (and) shopping malls in the city ».
« C’est la première fois que la Commission adopte une décision infligeant des amendes à une entreprise pour la fourniture d’un renseignement inexact ou dénaturé depuis l’entrée en vigueur du règlement sur les concentrations de 2004 ».
Russian man visited Chinese click farm.They make fake ratings for mobile apps and things like this.He said they have 10,000 more phones pic.twitter.com/qE96vgCCsi
— English Russia (@EnglishRussia1) May 11, 2017
Russian man visited Chinese click farm.They make fake ratings for mobile apps and things like this.He said they have 10,000 more phones.
If you see any cracked or otherwise unofficial versions of our apps in the wild, it’s safest to assume they are infected, and we ask that you please let us know. If you see our source show up somewhere, also let us know. And if you have information that could help with the investigation into this incident, definitely let us know.
« The beacons are frequencies from 18kHz to 20kHz, a range that is inaudible to most humans but can be reliably detected by most phone microphones. By embedding them into audio, marketers can track the whereabouts of shoppers as they move throughout a large department store.
The tracking can also be used for purposes that are decidedly less ethical. Advertisers, for example, may use the beacons with no disclosure at all to measure how often a particular TV ad is viewed. The technology can also be covertly used to perform cross-device tracking that allows marketers to tie a single person to the multiple media devices she uses. The researchers said the beacons could similarly be used to identify people using the Tor anonymity service ».
Source : More Android phones than ever are covertly listening for inaudible sounds in ads | Ars Technica
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