“Un reportage de France Culture qui devient une « publicité politique », tandis que des témoignages d’une association anti-IVG passent entre les mailles du filets : l’application des nouvelles règles de Facebook à de quoi laisser dubitatifs. Et ce n’est pas pour déplaire aux militants anti-avortement français.”
Mois : juin 2019 (Page 1 of 2)
“’Over the last two years, we’ve shown Google irrefutable evidence again and again that they are displaying lyrics copied from Genius,’ said Ben Gross, Genius’s chief strategy officer, in an email message. The company said it used a watermarking system in its lyrics that embedded patterns in the formatting of apostrophes.”
Source : Lyrics Site Accuses Google of Lifting Its Content – WSJ
Répartition géographique des soutiens pour la proposition de loi référendaire sur la privatisation des aérodromes de Paris (ADP)
Source : Carte des soutiens (adprip.fr/)
“100% of captchas are solved by human workers from around the world. This is why by using our service you help thousands of people to feed themselves and their families. An average worker makes about $100 per month which is a very good salary in such countries like India, Pakistan, Vietnam and others. With your help they now have a choice between working in polluted industries and working in front of a computer.”
Source : Anti Captcha: captcha solving service. Bypass reCAPTCHA, FunCaptcha, image captcha.
“Networking, attending conferences and delivering lectures should give your ideas an edge, help you to disseminate your research, and result in higher quality papers that get more citations. And the fastest way to do all of these things in person is to fly. But even when accounting for department, position and gender, we found no relationship between how much academics travel and their total citation count or their hIa (a version of h-index adjusted for academic age).”
Source : Do the best academics fly more? | Impact of Social Sciences
“The workplace communication collaboration platform had reportedly projected a $26 per share opening price that would have valued it at $15.7 billion. Within the first two hours of trading, the stock price surged further to $41.85.”
Source : Slack IPO starts trading at $38.50 for $23 billion valuation | VentureBeat
Most people don’t tag their precise location in Tweets, so we’re removing this ability to simplify your Tweeting experience. You’ll still be able to tag your precise location in Tweets through our updated camera. It’s helpful when sharing on-the-ground moments.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) 18 juin 2019
“Google says it has fixed an issue that allowed old owners of Nest security cameras to continue to view a feed from the device, even after deregistering it from their account. The issue could have potentially allowed an old owner of one of the cameras to continue to look through it, even after selling it to someone else. The new owner would have had no indication that a stranger could be able to look inside their home. ”
Source : Used Nest cameras had bug that let previous owners peer into homes – The Verge
“We present a method for detecting one very popular Photoshop manipulation — image warping applied to human faces — using a model trained entirely using fake images that were automatically generated by scripting Photoshop itself. We show that our model outperforms humans at the task of recognizing manipulated images, can predict the specific location of edits, and in some cases can be used to « undo » a manipulation to reconstruct the original, unedited image.”
Source : Detecting Photoshopped Faces by Scripting Photoshop
“Using a Shazam-like technology, the app would record audio to identify soccer games, and use the geolocation of the phone to locate which bars were streaming without licenses. El Diario reports that fans have downloaded that app more than 10 million times, essentially turning them into undercover narcs.”
Source : LaLiga’s app listened in on fans to catch bars illegally streaming soccer – The Verge