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Mois : mars 2023 (Page 1 of 4)
“Since ChatGPT launched three months ago it’s taken the world by storm. People are using it to create poems, essays for school, and song lyrics. It’s also making inroads in the workplace. According to data from Cyberhaven’s product, as of March 21, 8.2% of employees have used ChatGPT in the workplace and 6.5% have pasted company data into it since it launched. Some knowledge workers say that using the tool makes them 10 times more productive. But companies like JP Morgan and Verizon are blocking access to ChatGPT over concerns about confidential data.”
Source : 3.1% of workers have pasted confidential company data into ChatGPT – Cyberhaven
“Contemporary AI systems are now becoming human-competitive at general tasks,[3] and we must ask ourselves: Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth? Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization? Such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders. Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable. This confidence must be well justified and increase with the magnitude of a system’s potential effects. OpenAI’s recent statement regarding artificial general intelligence, states that « At some point, it may be important to get independent review before starting to train future systems, and for the most advanced efforts to agree to limit the rate of growth of compute used for creating new models. » We agree. That point is now.”
Source : Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter – Future of Life Institute
“Cela représente quand même beaucoup de travail. Mon hypothèse personnelle est que chatGPT a été conçu comme un moyen très efficace de collecter du “digital labor”. Le modèle conversationnel a été d’abord “entraîné” par des annotateurs de pays en voie de développement, en particulier au Kenya. Aujourd’hui environ dix millions d’utilisateurs uniques génèrent des dizaines de millions de textes par jours et envoient peut-être des dizaines de milliers de signalements. Ce n’est évidemment pas gratuit. Pour faire tourner chatGPT à cette échelle, OpenAI dépense probablement des millions d’euros par mois. Seulement, au-delà de la publicité énorme, OpenAI a réussi à collecter un corpus considérable d’annotations qui sera sans doute difficile à répliquer : quand les chatbots de ses concurrents (Google, Baidu, etc.) seront disponibles gratuitement, l’effet de nouveauté se sera un peu émoussé…”
“Car, depuis la guerre en Ukraine, le discours de Nathalie Yamb a pris un tournant prorusse marqué. Invitée cette semaine à Moscou pour une conférence Russie-Afrique ouverte par Vladimir Poutine, elle y a salué «la mort inéluctable de l’hégémonie occidentale». Dans ses vidéos, elle parle de la «guerre OTAN-Russie en Ukraine» comme d’une «opération militaire spéciale» déclenchée «en réaction […] aux agressions répétées des Américains et des Européens via leur proxy ukrainien Zelensky contre le peuple et les intérêts russes». Elle reprend d’autres poncifs de la propagande russe, dénonçant les «adeptes de l’impérialisme sexuel et du genre, qui tentent d’imposer leur wokisme et conception dégénérée du monde à ceux qui défendent des valeurs plus traditionnelles». Une phrase qui fait écho à celle prononcée par Vladimir Poutine devant ses invités africains, cette semaine à Moscou: «La Russie et les pays d’Afrique défendent les normes morales et les principes sociaux traditionnels de nos peuples, et s’opposent à l’i”
“That’s all well and good, but what about AI replacing us in the workplace? We already have the prospect of chatbots writing articles like this one. Again, he says it’s not the technology that replaces us, it’s how we use it. “There are two ways this could go. One is that we pretend the bot is a real thing, a real entity like a person, then in order to keep that fantasy going we’re careful to forget whatever source texts were used to have the bot function. Journalism would be harmed by that. The other way is you do keep track of where the sources came from. And in that case a very different world could unfold where if a bot relied on your reporting, you get payment for it, and there is a shared sense of responsibility and liability where everything works better. The term for that is data dignity.””
“Brady Wilkins, a recently retired detective in Arizona with the attorney general’s office, said the DEA may have been testing the AirTag out due to failures in the kinds of GPS devices currently available to police, which “sometimes worked, sometimes didn’t.” An AirTag “can be hidden easier and is less likely to be found by suspects,” Wilkins told Forbes. “Suspects are getting better at countersurveillance techniques,” he added, and often uncovered heftier, more noticeable devices than the Apple tech. AirTags also appear to have more reliable connectivity than other devices.”
Source : The DEA Quietly Turned Apple’s AirTag Into A Surveillance Tool
“By revenue, TSMC is the largest semiconductor company in the world. In 2020 it quietly joined the world’s 10 most valuable companies. It’s now bigger than Meta and Exxon. The company also has the world’s biggest logic chip manufacturing capacity and produces, by one analysis, a staggering 92 percent of the world’s most avant-garde chips—the ones inside the nuclear weapons, planes, submarines, and hypersonic missiles on which the international balance of hard power is predicated. Perhaps more to the point, TSMC makes a third of all the world’s silicon chips, notably the ones in iPhones and Macs. Every six months, just one of TSMC’s 13 foundries—the redoubtable Fab 18 in Tainan—carves and etches a quintillion transistors for Apple. In the form of these miniature masterpieces, which sit atop microchips, the semiconductor industry churns out more objects in a year than have ever been produced in all the other factories in all the other industries in the history of the world.”
Source : I Saw the Face of God in a TSMC Semiconductor Factory | WIRED
“De nouvelles accusations pèsent sur Meta. Des fonds de pension et d’investissement ont porté plainte contre le groupe californien pour avoir «fermé les yeux» sur le trafic d’être humains et la pédocriminalité sur ses réseaux sociaux Facebook et Instagram.
«Pendant la décennie écoulée, les applications de Meta ont aidé, soutenu et facilité la tâche des criminels responsables de proxénétisme, trafic d’être humains et de pédocriminalité qui ont eu lieu à grande échelle sur les plateformes» du groupe californien, accuse la plainte déposée lundi devant un tribunal du Delaware, spécialisé en droit des affaires.
«Des preuves substantielles montrent que le conseil d’administration a fermé les yeux alors qu’il avait connaissance, tout comme la direction de l’entreprise, de ce phénomène en pleine expansion», continuent les avocats des fonds signataires, qui détiennent des actions chez Meta.”
“The detective pleaded, explaining the « extremely exigent circumstance, » but the representative didn’t budge, saying it was company policy, sheriff’s office Deputy Chief Christopher Covelli said Friday. « The detective had to work out getting a credit card number and then call the representative back to pay the $150 and at that time the representative provided the GPS location of the vehicle, » Covelli said.”
Source : VW wouldn’t help locate car with abducted child because GPS subscription expired | Ars Technica