Mois : mai 2020

Open AI - Jukebox

“We’re introducing Jukebox, a neural net that generates music, including rudimentary singing, as raw audio in a variety of genres and artist styles. We’re releasing the model weights and code, along with a tool to explore the generated samples.”

Source : Jukebox

StopCovid ou encore ? – Cédric O

Le choix, selon Cédric O !

“Le choix est donc très simple : tant que l’immunité collective n’est pas atteinte (ce qui est un horizon lointain), l’alternative se résume ainsi :
1. Tout faire pour couper les « départs de feu » le plus rapidement possible, y compris en utilisant des outils numériques comme StopCovid, dans des conditions très encadrées et proportionnées (et dans un contexte où l’ensemble des pays européens prévoient de déployer de tels outils) ;
2. Refuser ces outils pour des raisons philosophiques, mais dans ce cas accepter un risque significatif de malades et de morts supplémentaires.”

Source : StopCovid ou encore ? – Cédric O – Medium


“Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing This repository contains a proposal for a secure and decentralized privacy-preserving proximity tracing system. Its goal is to simplify and accelerate the process of identifying people who have been in contact with an infected person, thus providing a technological foundation to help slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The system aims to minimise privacy and security risks for individuals and communities and guarantee the highest level of data protection.”

Source : GitHub – DP-3T/documents: Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing — Documents

“Our team at MIT, working with partners from around the world, has developed a system for identifying people at risk of infecting COVID-19, by using the Bluetooth signals that our cell phones send each other. Privacy is a bedrock value so our system can notify individuals of potential contacts without revealing any private information to other individuals, the government, health care providers, or cell service providers.”

Source : PACT: Private Automated Contact Tracing

“On a cool day late last September, half a dozen Chinese engineers walked into a conference room in the heart of Geneva’s UN district with a radical idea. They had one hour to persuade delegates from more than 40 countries of their vision: an alternative form of the internet, to replace the technological architecture that has underpinned the web for half a century. Whereas today’s internet is owned by everyone and no one, they were in the process of building something very different — a new infrastructure that could put power back in the hands of nation states, instead of individuals.”

Source : Inside China’s controversial mission to reinvent the internet | Financial Times

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