(via E-inkey Keyboard Concept by Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih » Yanko Design)
Mois : janvier 2013 (Page 1 of 4)
It’s now illegal in US to unlock your phone , but you can still carry a gun 🙂
Activists in Berlin are teaming up to trash surveillance cameras. Points are given, with bonus scores for the most innovative modes of destruction
The social network offers a record of its users’ thoughts, and suicide researchers believe that analyzing the Facebook interactions of people who cut their own lives short could help them better identify warning signs. Facebook is now giving some of that data to independent researchers through a partnership with suicide prevention non-profit SAVE.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will host a fundraiser next month in his Palo Alto home for Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, both camps confirmed to BuzzFeed. (via Mark Zuckerberg Will Hold Fundraiser For Chris Christie)
A key member of the Anonymous hacking group has been convicted for his part in a series of cyber-attacks on Paypal and other major companies. […] Anonymous spent 10 days targeting Paypal, causing losses of £3.5m.