“Quels que soient les axes de développement retenus, une chose est claire aux yeux de Florence G. Sell, professeur en droit privé à l’Université de Lorraine : « la mise à disposition des décisions de justice couplée aux progrès des outils du Big Data va permettre une vision beaucoup plus globale et approfondie du fonctionnement de la justice ». Pour l’experte, l’institution judiciaire a tout intérêt à se saisir de ces outils pour améliorer sa qualité et son efficacité. Et si elle ne le fait pas,« d’autres acteurs, tels les avocats ou les startups le feront : ce seront alors eux qui seront à la pointe d’une évolution de toute façon irrémédiable. »”
Mois : avril 2021
“Given the number of opportunities present, we found that it’s possible to execute arbitrary code on a Cellebrite machine simply by including a specially formatted but otherwise innocuous file in any app on a device that is subsequently plugged into Cellebrite and scanned. There are virtually no limits on the code that can be executed. For example, by including a specially formatted but otherwise innocuous file in an app on a device that is then scanned by Cellebrite, it’s possible to execute code that modifies not just the Cellebrite report being created in that scan, but also all previous and future generated Cellebrite reports from all previously scanned devices and all future scanned devices in any arbitrary way (inserting or removing text, email, photos, contacts, files, or any other data), with no detectable timestamp changes or checksum failures. This could even be done at random, and would seriously call the data integrity of Cellebrite’s reports into question.”
“Est-ce légal de demander aux internautes de payer une petite somme chaque mois, par exemple deux euros, pour ne pas avoir de cookies publicitaires ? C’est en quelque sorte la question qui est en train d’émerger, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux. En effet, des internautes ont été interloqués de voir qu’en se rendant sur des sites, il peut leur être demandé de payer pour échapper à la publicité ciblée.”
Source : Payer pour éviter les cookies publicitaires, est-ce légal ?
“The technology could improve road safety by reducing human error, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said. “Automated driving systems could prevent 47,000 serious accidents and save 3,900 lives over the next decade through their ability to reduce the single largest cause of road accidents – human error,” said chief executive Mike Hawes. “Technologies such as Automated Lane Keeping Systems will pave the way for higher levels of automation in future – and these advances will unleash Britain’s potential to be a world leader in the development and use of these technologies, creating essential jobs while ensuring our roads remain among the safest on the planet.””
Source : ‘Self-driving’ cars to be allowed on UK roads this year – BBC News
“A forecast about what will happen in Syria, China or Japan is a simple way to convey a fleeting sense of understanding. The forecast will probably be wrong. But at the instant it is consumed, it gratifies. As I say, a lot like Pringles.”
Source : Why predictions are a lot like Pringles | Financial Times
“Earlier this year, the FBI in partnership with the Dutch National High Technical Crimes Unit (NHTCU), German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and other international law enforcement agencies brought down what Europol rereferred to as the world’s most dangerous malware: Emotet. This strain of malware dates back as far as 2014 and it became a gateway into infected machines for other strains of malware ranging from banking trojans to credential stealers to ransomware. Emotet was extremely destructive and wreaked havoc across the globe before eventually being brought to a halt in February.
Following the takedown, the FBI reached out and asked if Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) might be a viable means of alerting impacted individuals and companies that their accounts had been affected by Emotet. This isn’t the first time HIBP has been used by law enforcement in the wake of criminal activity with the Estonian Central Police using it for similar purposes a few years earlier. ”
“Lorsque la victime va copier une adresse, le malware va la remplacer dans le presse-papier par l’adresse d’un portefeuille contrôlé par les malfaiteurs — les chercheurs en ont compté plus d’une centaine. Résultat : quand la victime va « coller » l’adresse du destinataire de la transaction dans le champ prévu à cet effet, elle va en réalité coller celle du malfrat. Et si elle valide la transaction, elle lui enverra involontairement l’argent.Oui, si la victime est suffisamment attentive, elle remarquera que l’adresse qu’elle a copiée et celle qu’il a collée ne sont pas similaires, et elle ne validera pas la transaction. Mais ce manque de finesse du subterfuge ne l’empêche pas de fonctionner. D’après Avast, Hack Boss aurait récolté plus de 8,4 Bitcoin, 6,9 Ethereum ou encore 2 300 Dogecoin depuis la mise en place de son arnaque en novembre 2018.”
Source : Ce malware manipule les copier/coller pour détourner des cryptomonnaies – Cyberguerre
“For more than a year, a group of workers in Bessemer, Alabama have campaigned to unionize their warehouse under the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), hoping to force the retail giant to collectively bargain with its warehouse workers for the first time. On Friday, those hopes came to an abrupt end. In a unit-wide election, workers at the warehouse voted against unionization by a more than 2-1 margin, with 738 votes in favor to 1,798 against. ”
Source : Unionizing Amazon’s Bessemer warehouse was never going to be easy – The Verge
“As long as there’s been popular music, musicians and crews have struggled with mental health at a rate far exceeding the general adult population. And this issue hasn’t just been ignored. It’s been romanticized, by things like the 27 Club—a group of musicians whose lives were all lost at just 27 years old. To show the world what’s been lost to this mental health crisis, we’ve used artificial intelligence to create the album the 27 Club never had the chance to. Through this album, we’re encouraging more music industry insiders to get the mental health support they need, so they can continue making the music we all love for years to come. Because even AI will never replace the real thing.”
Source : Lost Tapes of the 27 Club
“The mobile phone numbers and other personal information for approximately 533 million Facebook users worldwide has been leaked on a popular hacker forum for free.The stolen data first surfaced on a hacking community in June 2020 when a member began selling the Facebook data to other members. What made this leak stand out was that it contained member information that can be scraped from public profiles and private mobile numbers associated with the accounts.”
Source : 533 million Facebook users’ phone numbers leaked on hacker forum