Mois : octobre 2012 (Page 1 of 10)
En lisant ce témoignage, on comprend ces incroyables bourdes que font régulièrement les Inspecteurs des Finances, les plus brillants diplômés de l’ENA, à Bercy. Prenez la récente affaire de la taxation des créateurs de Start Up qui a conduit à la révolte des « Pigeons ». Il est clair que les énarques n’ont pas la moindre idée des ressorts qui animent les créateurs d’entreprises ni des flux de financement de la création et de l’innovation.
(via xkcd: Congress)
Ultimately, we believe that DNT must map to user intent — not to the intent of one browser creator, plug-in writer, or third-party software service. Therefore, although Yahoo! will continue to offer Ad Interest Manager and other tools, we will not recognize IE10’s default DNT signal on Yahoo! properties at this time.
A dash of algebra on wireless networks promises to boost bandwidth tenfold, without new infrastructure. […] Testing Coded TCP on Wi-Fi networks at MIT, where 2 percent of packets are typically lost, Medard’s group found that a normal bandwidth of one megabit per second was boosted to 16 megabits per second. In a circumstance where losses were 5 percent—common on a fast-moving train—the method boosted bandwidth from 0.5 megabits per second to 13.5 megabits per second. In a situation with zero losses, there was little if any benefit, but loss-free wireless scenarios are rare.
« We can hear you having sex » apparently appears with a degree of regularity across Britain and Ireland, according to OpenSignalMaps. (via BBC News – The rise of passive-aggressive wi-fi names)
Hotline Miami – Coming Soon (par DevolverDigital)
A Digital Tomorrow (par Nicolas Nova)