“Harness the power of AI to quickly turn simple brushstrokes into realistic landscape images for backgrounds, concept exploration, or creative inspiration. 🖌️ The NVIDIA Canvas app lets you create as quickly as you can imagine.”
via NVIDIA Studio
“Harness the power of AI to quickly turn simple brushstrokes into realistic landscape images for backgrounds, concept exploration, or creative inspiration. 🖌️ The NVIDIA Canvas app lets you create as quickly as you can imagine.”
via NVIDIA Studio
“Deepfakes have become more believable in recent years. In some cases, humans can no longer easily tell some of them apart from genuine images. Although detecting deepfakes remains a compelling challenge, their increasing sophistication opens up more potential lines of inquiry, such as: What happens when deepfakes are produced not just for amusement and awe, but for malicious intent on a grand scale? Today, we — in partnership with Michigan State University (MSU) — are presenting a research method of detecting and attributing deepfakes that relies on reverse engineering from a single AI-generated image to the generative model used to produce it. Our method will facilitate deepfake detection and tracing in real-world settings, where the deepfake image itself is often the only information detectors have to work with.”
Source : Reverse engineering generative models from a single deepfake image
“The rapidly increasing usage of machine learning raises complicated questions: How can we tell if models are fair? Why do models make the predictions that they do? What are the privacy implications of feeding enormous amounts of data into models? This ongoing series of interactive, formula-free essays will walk you through these important concepts.”
Source : AI Explorables | PAIR
“These early results are encouraging, and we look forward to sharing more soon, but sensibleness and specificity aren’t the only qualities we’re looking for in models like LaMDA. We’re also exploring dimensions like “interestingness,” by assessing whether responses are insightful, unexpected or witty. Being Google, we also care a lot about factuality (that is, whether LaMDA sticks to facts, something language models often struggle with), and are investigating ways to ensure LaMDA’s responses aren’t just compelling but correct. But the most important question we ask ourselves when it comes to our technologies is whether they adhere to our AI Principles. Language might be one of humanity’s greatest tools, but like all tools it can be misused. Models trained on language can propagate that misuse — for instance, by internalizing biases, mirroring hateful speech, or replicating misleading information. And even when the language it’s trained on is carefully vetted, the model itself can still be put to ill use. ”
“The lamps come equipped with two built-in cameras—one facing the child and another offering a bird’s-eye view from above—letting parents remotely monitor their children when they study. There is a smartphone-sized screen attached to each lamp, which applies artificial intelligence to offer guidance on math problems and difficult words. And parents can hire a human proctor to digitally monitor their children as they study.In addition to the basic version of the lamp, a $170 upgraded model sends alerts and photos to parents when their children slouch. That version of the lamp sold out on China’s largest e-commerce platforms earlier this month.”
Source : A Smart Lamp That Watches Kids When They Study Is a Hit in China – WSJ
“Here are the factors that Tesla will be tracking to determine your safety rating:
- ABS Activation – Number of times ABS is activated Hours Driven – Average daily driving time Forced Autopilot
- Disengagements – Number of times Autopilot is disabled due to ignored alerts Forward Collision
- Warnings – Number of times car detects a potential forward collision
- Unsafe Following Time – Portion of time spent at an unsafe following distance
- Intensity of Acceleration and Braking – Speed variance due to extreme acceleration and braking. Shown on a scale from 0-10 as measured against Tesla’s internal fleet.
This score is going to affect your premium by up to 50% on a monthly basis – meaning that it can increase or lower your insurance cost depending on how you drive.”
““We may not be able to save you from awkward run-ins at the coffee shop, but we are giving you more control over your experience on Tinder,” said Bernadette Morgan, Group Product Manager, Trust & Safety at Tinder. “We’re rolling out Block Contacts as an additional resource empowering members with peace of mind by helping create a worry-free space for them to spark new connections.” ”
Source : Tinder Gives Members More Control With New Feature Allowing You to Block Your Ex
“« Nous sommes le gouvernement des droits réels, pas des droits incantatoires », a scandé Sophie Cluzel pour justifier la timidité du gouvernement sur le sujet. Mais dire non à une idée à un instant T sous prétexte qu’actuellement « aucun système informatique ne pourra la mettre en œuvre », c’est prendre le problème à l’envers. C’est se réfugier derrière une fausse idée de l’informatique pour justifier une décision politique. Indexer un droit aux capacités de nos systèmes informatiques, c’est mettre le code au-dessus de la loi.”
Source : Allocation adultes handicapés (AAH) : non, notre « système informatique » n’est pas le problème
“Apple iPhone continues to take the lead in mobile email with a 90.5% share. Google Android sits at number two, the same ranking it had in March. Apple iPad has dropped slightly as well, nearly 7%. ”
Source : Email Client Market Share in May 2021: The Recovery of Mobile and More – Litmus
“Today Epic Games announced that it completed a $1 billion round of funding, which will allow the company to support future growth opportunities. Epic’s equity valuation is now $28.7 billion. ”
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