Mois : décembre 2019 (Page 1 of 2)

“Hackers are tapping in to cameras intended for home security, talking to children through the devices and even dropping racist remarks, according to multiple news reports. The intended purpose of a two-way talk function on the devices is to allow parents to check in on their children. But hackers are using them to wake people up in the middle of the night, and watch unsuspecting children.”

Source : Ring hackers are reportedly watching and talking to strangers via in-home cameras | Technology | The Guardian

“There is the next frontier in political advertising: your personal location data, collected from apps you’ve downloaded that then take this sensitive information and sell it to third parties — including political campaigns. Love it or hate it, digital strategists see this location data as part of the future of political campaigns, as candidates and advocacy groups harness your personal whereabouts and leverage it to try to win your support. One campaign might know if you’ve passed by one of their lawn signs recently. Another might track whether you’ve been in a specific Catholic church in Dubuque, Iowa. Forces behind Trump, who three years ago said he considered data to be “overrated” in politics, are exploring this next iteration of digital campaign tools. And with the incumbent president’s vastly superior resources and innate appetite for digital experimentation, many leading Democrats are concerned that it is the GOP — not the digitally pioneering party of Barack Obama — that is mastering Silicon Valley’s tricks ahead of what’s expected to be the most expensive US presidential election ever.”

Source : How Trump allies are using your phone’s location to try and win your vote – Vox

The iPhone 11’s U1 chip necessitates constant geolocation checks

Multiple smartphones on table.

“ Ultra-wideband technology is an industry-standard technology and is subject to international regulatory requirements that require it to be turned off in certain locations… iOS uses Location Services to help determine if iPhone is in these prohibited locations in order to disable ultra-wideband and comply with regulations… The management of ultra-wideband compliance and its use of location data is done entirely on the device, and Apple is not collecting user location data. When Apple introduced the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro this fall, it included a new chip called the U1 that enables ultra-wideband (UWB) for locating other devices in immediate proximity. Presently, it is only used for the phone’s AirDrop file-sharing feature, but it is expected to be used for other features such as augmented reality and the company’s rumored upcoming Tile competitor in the future. The brief flash of controversy on Twitter and tech blogs over this issue illustrates the challenges Apple faces with its privacy-oriente”

Source : The iPhone 11’s U1 chip necessitates constant geolocation checks, Apple says | Ars Technica

“Changing algorithms is easier than changing people: software on computers can be updated; the “wetware” in our brains has so far proven much less pliable. None of this is meant to diminish the pitfalls and care needed in fixing algorithmic bias. But compared with the intransigence of human bias, it does look a great deal simpler. Discrimination by algorithm can be more readily discovered and more easily fixed.”

Source : Biased Algorithms Are Easier to Fix Than Biased People – The New York Times

“Today, in 2019, if the company was a person, it would be a young adult of 21 and it would be time to leave the roost. While it has been a tremendous privilege to be deeply involved in the day-to-day management of the company for so long, we believe it’s time to assume the role of proud parents—offering advice and love, but not daily nagging!”

Source : A letter from Larry and Sergey

“Certains, comme des rivières, sortent de leur lit. Ainsi, Amazon a fait une entrée fracassante sur le marché de la publicité, chasse gardée du « duopole » Google-Facebook. Quasi inexistants il y a trois ans, ses revenus vont atteindre 14 milliards de dollars (12,7 milliards d’euros) en 2019, selon l’institut eMarketer. Amazon ne s’est arrogé « que » 4,2 % du marché mondial de la publicité en ligne – contre 31 % pour Google et 20 % pour Facebook –, mais sa part devrait atteindre 10 % en 2021 aux Etats-Unis. L’entreprise de Jeff Bezos a aussi lancé son propre outil de mesure de l’efficacité des campagnes publicitaires, qui vient concurrencer ceux de Google et de Facebook, « qui sont déjà en guerre l’un contre l’autre », note Emmanuel Brunet, le PDG d’Eulerian, acteur indépendant de ce domaine. Effet miroir, Google et Facebook tentent, eux, de se faire une place… dans l’e-commerce. Depuis septembre, « Acheter sur Google » propose des produits de Carrefour, Fnac-Darty ou Kickers. Facebook tente, lui, d’imposer s”

Source : La drôle de guerre des GAFA

“All mobile phone users in China registering new SIM cards must submit to facial recognition scans, according to a new rule that went into effect across the country on Sunday […].

China’s education ministry said in September it would “curb and regulate” the use of facial recognition after parents grew angry when facial recognition software was installed without their knowledge at a university in Nanjing to monitor students’ attendance and focus during class.”

Source : China brings in mandatory facial recognition for mobile phone users | World news | The Guardian

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