Et si on ne laissait pas aux dispositifs techniques qui nous entourent la responsabilité d’être intelligents à notre place.
Mois : mai 2014 (Page 1 of 10)
« Automobiles had been around for decades when the first Model T arrived in 1908. The reason we remember Henry Ford’s creation is because it was the first car that made sense for the masses. With a $250 machine dubbed the Mod-T, New Matter is hoping to have a similar transformative effect on 3-D printing ». (via A $250 3-D Printer With Breakthrough Software | Design | WIRED)
As an aside, if I were in law enforcement I would be paying special attention to those searches done by people who have the ‘history’ feature disabled.
We could build just about anything that you could dream of. But that’s not the question. The thing that Beats provides us is a head start. They provide us with incredible people, that don’t grow on trees. They’re creative souls, kindred spirits.
Apple has invested heavily, and it should pay off. Since 2011 to the first quarter of 2014, Apple has spent $14 billion on research and development. That dwarfs the $8.1 billion spent between 2001 and 2010.
From now on, to protect Windows users from this kind of attack, extensions can be installed only if they’re hosted on the Chrome Web Store. With this change, extensions that were previously installed may be automatically disabled and cannot be re-enabled or re-installed until they’re hosted in the Chrome Web Store.
« The two-seater prototype vehicle is Google’s reimagination of what the modern automobile should look and feel like if you took the human out of the transportation equation and designed something solely to chauffeur passengers from point A to B ». (via Google Introduces New Self Driving Car at the Code Conference | Re/code)
Skype Translator: Breaking down language barriers (par MicrosoftResearch)
Here’s what we found most surprising about what Google’s robot car can and can’t do right now.
Google’s Nest division is plotting a move into the home-security market and has considered acquiring connected camera-maker Dropcam to accelerate the push, according to several people close to Google.