Mois : août 2016 (Page 1 of 3)

According to sources, the Trending team’s editorial staff were alerted at 4pm that they were being fired—as the news of Facebook’s switch to algorithms first broke—and were asked to leave the building by 5pm.

However, removing human writers from Trending doesn’t necessarily eliminate bias. Human bias can be embedded into algorithms, and extremely difficult to strip out.

Source : Facebook (FB) fired its Trending editors, apparently trying to get rid of bias by getting rid of humans — Quartz

Ce que vous trouverez ici est le début d’un nouveau voyage, de ceux qui n’étaient plus possibles depuis que les explorateurs du monde entier, de Christophe Colomb à Marco Polo, ont mis le pied sur chaque parcelle de terre que notre planète a à offrir.Sommes-nous seuls dans l’univers ? Tous les esprits curieux se sont une fois au moins posés la question, le regard tourné vers le ciel.La réponse pourrait se trouver ailleurs qu’à travers les étoiles…


In Pittsburgh, customers will request cars the normal way, via Uber’s app, and will be paired with a driverless car at random. Trips will be free for the time being, rather than the standard local rate of $1.30 per mile. In the long run, Kalanick says, prices will fall so low that the per-mile cost of travel, even for long trips in rural areas, will be cheaper in a driverless Uber than in a private car. “That could be seen as a threat,” says Volvo Cars CEO Hakan Samuelsson. “We see it as an opportunity.”

Source : Uber’s First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburgh This Month – Bloomberg

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