Étiquette : youtube (Page 1 of 6)

YouTube Bans Anti-Vaccine Misinformation

YouTube said it was banning the accounts of several prominent anti-vaccine activists from its platform, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s.

“In a blog post, YouTube said it would remove videos claiming that vaccines do not reduce rates of transmission or contraction of disease, and content that includes misinformation on the makeup of the vaccines. Claims that approved vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility, or that the vaccines contain trackers, will also be removed.
Prominent anti-vaccine activists have long been able to build huge audiences online, helped along by the algorithmic powers of social networks that prioritize videos and posts that are particularly successful at capturing people’s attention. A nonprofit, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, published research this year showing that a group of 12 people were responsible for sharing 65 percent of all anti-vaccine messaging on social media, calling the group the “Disinformation Dozen.” In July, the White House cited the research as it criticized tech companies for allowing misinformation about the coronavirus and vaccines to spread widely, sparking a tense back-and-forth between the administration and Facebook.”

Source : YouTube Bans Anti-Vaccine Misinformation – The New York Times

YouTube – Supporting the 2020 U.S. election


“Our Community Guidelines prohibit spam, scams, or other manipulated media, coordinated influence operations, and any content that seeks to incite violence. Since September, we’ve terminated over 8000 channels and thousands of harmful and misleading elections-related videos for violating our existing policies. Over 77% of those removed videos were taken down before they had 100 views. ” […]
Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections.

Source : Supporting the 2020 U.S. election


“The new report argues that YouTube hasn’t done enough. Researchers collected more than 1,600 videos from 191 parents that their children, all younger than 8, watched on YouTube’s main site this year. Among the findings: Ads were present on 95% of the videos in the study. A fifth of the ads were categorized as age inappropriate — a bourbon commercial on a nail painting video for girls; another ad, during a video game clip, that asked, “should the U.S. deport illegal immigrants?””

Source : Kids on YouTube See Many Ads, Few Educational Videos: Study – Bloomberg

« Il faut que ça cesse » : enquête sur ExperimentBoy, Youtubeur accusé de corruption de mineurs

“« Il m’a immédiatement bloqué dès que je lui ai fait part du fait que ses messages devenaient un peu malsains (…) Il y a pas mal de gens qui ne voulaient pas y croire », regrette Louis. Un faux compte parodique est même créé en mars 2014 pour décrédibiliser le garçon et tourner en ridicule ses accusations. « Je préférais oublier ça et avoir la paix, parce que ça m’avait un peu intimidé, du haut de mes 12 ans », nous raconte-t-il.”

Source : « Il faut que ça cesse » : enquête sur ExperimentBoy, Youtubeur accusé de corruption de mineurs

“Reste à savoir où YouTube placera le curseur entre ce qui relèverait de l’authenticité et ce qui serait une théorie complotiste trop néfaste. Le dirigeant de YouTube UK explique ainsi que s’il tolère des vidéos de désinformation sur le 11 septembre, il a un avis tout autre à propos d’un autre attentat plus récent, celui de l’école primaire de Sandy Hook commis en 2012. Des conspirationnistes disent qu’il aurait été monté de toutes pièces, ce qui dépasse selon lui la limite acceptable. Elles sont « douloureuses et offensantes pour certaines familles impliquées », a-t-il précisé. Est-ce que parce que l’on touche à des enfants, ou parce que l’événement tragique est plus récent ? La plateforme garde pour l’instant ses critères d’appréciation pour elle.”

Source : Pourquoi YouTube tolère les vidéos conspirationnistes sur le 11 septembre – Société – Numerama

“Interviews with 30 attendees revealed a pattern in the stories people told about how they came to be convinced that the Earth was not a large round rock spinning through space but a large flat disc doing much the same thing. Of the 30, all but one said they had not considered the Earth to be flat two years ago but changed their minds after watching videos promoting conspiracy theories on YouTube.”

Source : Study blames YouTube for rise in number of Flat Earthers | Science | The Guardian

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