Étiquette : yelp

« As the name suggests, « Find Friends » lets consumers quickly discover if any of their contacts are using the app too. But according to the users in the case, the app makers violated their privacy by failing to inform them that « Find Friends » would transfer user’s contact lists to company servers.The companies have fought the lawsuit for years, complaining in part that storing users’ contact lists on the server was necessary for the « Find Friends » tool to function. But U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar pushed back, saying the firms should have been more explicit about what they were doing ».

Source : Instagram, Twitter Could Pay Users $5.3 Million in Privacy Settlement | Fortune.com

A new study by the sociologist Sharon Zukin—known for her earlier work on lofts, artists, and gentrification—along with Scarlett Lindeman and Laurie Hurson of the City University of New York, sheds new light on the connection between gentrification, restaurants, and race. The study examines this nexus by using Yelp reviews of restaurants in two rapidly gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhoods with very different populations: Greenpoint and Bedford-Stuyvesant, or Bed-Stuy.

Source : Gentrification Through the Eyes of Yelp Reviewers – The Atlantic

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