« Radio Garden invites you to tune into thousands of live radio stations across the globe. By bringing distant voices close, radio connects people and places. From its very beginning, radio signals have crossed borders. Radio makers and listeners have imagined both connecting with distant cultures, as well as re-connecting with people from ‘home’ from thousands of miles away. »
Étiquette : world (Page 1 of 3)
“Asking people to choose between privacy and health is, in fact, the very root of the problem. Because this is a false choice. We can and should enjoy both privacy and health. We can choose to protect our health and stop the coronavirus epidemic not by instituting totalitarian surveillance regimes, but rather by empowering citizens. In recent weeks, some of the most successful efforts to contain the coronavirus epidemic were orchestrated by South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. While these countries have made some use of tracking applications, they have relied far more on extensive testing, on honest reporting, and on the willing co-operation of a well-informed public.”
Source : Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Financial Times
“The map takes the more than 6.6 billion location mentions across the 850 million worldwide news articles monitored by GDELT 2015-2018, snaps them to a 0.001 degree grid and then visualizes the final dataset. Locations are not sized by the number of mentions they receive, meaning a major metropolis mentioned tens of millions of times will still only appear as a single small dot in the image below. Due to artifacts of the rasterization pipeline you will see a few areas of the map below with rectangular artifacting – those are technical issues, rather than meaningful geographic patterns”
Source : Mapping The Geography Of GDELT: 2015-2018 – The GDELT Project
“The slowdown is described in an analysis of UN data that will be published next month by the Web Foundation, an organisation set up by the inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. The data shows that growth in global internet access dropped from 19% in 2007 to less than 6% last year.”
Source : Exclusive: dramatic slowdown in global growth of internet access | Technology | The Guardian
Version actuelle, avec 2 milliards d’utilisateurs, posté le 27 juin par Mark Zuckerberg :
et version de Paul Butler de décembre 2010 avec 500 millions d’utilisateurs :
Sans commentaire…
Peut-on déterminer le niveau de l’activité d’une usine automobile en calculant le taux d’occupation de ses parkings ? Celui d’un port de commerce en dénombrant, depuis l’espace, le nombre de mouvements des navires ? Celui d’une raffinerie par le nombre de camions y déchargeant du pétrole brut ?
Pavel Machalek en est convaincu.
« Au forum économique mondial de Davos, en Suisse, la Chine a déplacé sa plus importante délégation de son histoire récente. Face aux États-Unis affaiblis et à une Europe déroutée, les nouveaux géants chinois plaident pour toujours plus de mondialisation ».
Source : À Davos, la Chine s’imagine en nouveau leader de la mondialisation heureuse – Politique – Numerama
Timelapse is a global, zoomable video that lets you see how the Earth has changed over the past 32 years. It is made from 33 cloud-free annual mosaics, one for each year from 1984 to 2016, which are made interactively explorable by Carnegie Mellon University CREATE Lab’s Time Machine library, a technology for creating and viewing zoomable and pannable timelapses over space and time.
Source : Timelapse – Google Earth Engine
This update was made possible in a large part thanks to the Landsat program and its commitment to free and accessible open data.
Source : Google Lat Long: Keeping Earth up to date and looking great
Photographers’ Identities Catalog (PIC) is an experimental interface to a collection of biographical data describing photographers, studios, manufacturers, and others involved in the production of photographic images. Consisting of names, nationalities, dates, locations and more, PIC is a vast and growing resource for the historian, student, genealogist, or any lover of photography’s history. The information has been culled from trusted biographical dictionaries, catalogs and databases, and from extensive original research by NYPL Photography Collection staff.