Today, 21 October 2015 and over the coming days WikiLeaks is releasing documents from one of CIA chief John Brennan’s non-government email accounts. Brennan used the account occasionally for several intelligence related projects.
Étiquette : vulnérabilité (Page 5 of 5)
Investigators from the National Crime Agency found images on the computer of Stefan Rigo, 34, including ones of people involved in sexual activity.
Rigo targeted a variety of victims after gaining remote access to their computers’ webcams. Incriminating images on his computer were discovered after a forensic examination. Out of 14 confirmed individuals he spied on – roughly half were people he knew personally.
Source : Webcam hacker spied on sex acts with BlackShades malware – BBC News
Last week, T-Mobile revealed that hackers had stolen records for “approximately” 15 million people. How approximate? If history is any guide, very approximate.
Source : Never trust the first number announced in a data breach – Quartz
A man handed six years for threatening a local Georgia court clerk that he would post a sex tape of her on Facebook had his conviction overturned by the state’s Supreme Court. The justices ruled Monday that the Facebook postings did not constitute criminality or a « true threat » under the law, because the defendant did not express an « intent to commit an act of unlawful violence. »
Source : Threatening to post sex tape on Facebook is not a crime, court rules | Ars Technica
La croyance partagée que toutes les installations nucléaires sont isolées de l’Internet public est un mythe
Source : Les risques de cyberattaques contre les centrales nucléaires se multiplient