Étiquette : visualization (Page 1 of 3)

“For context, I spent 5 years working day & night on my own app before burning out really hard. Then, I joined @stripe , who has been unbelievable supportive in helping me recover. ”


“Nous partageons, au sein de Dataveyes, la conviction que l’ère des données riches et des objets connectés bouleverse les usages. Par nos réflexions et nos travaux, nous prenons part à cette révolution des interactions humains-données.”

Source : Dataveyes | Interactions humains-données

This song was generated using refugee data from the United Nations from 1975 to 2012. The quantity, length, and pitch of the songs instruments are controlled by the volume of refugee movement and distance traveled between their countries of origin and asylum.

Source : Data-Driven DJ | Distance From Home

The goal of this song is to emulate a ride on the New York City Subway’s 2 Train through three boroughs: Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx. At any given time, the quantity and dynamics of the song’s instruments correspond to the median household income of that area.

Source : Data-Driven DJ | Two Trains

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