Étiquette : usa

“In one particularly brazen example, ads were run promoting both a “Pro-Beyonce Protest Rally” and an “Anti-Beyonce Protest Rally” scheduled for the same time time and place following the controversy over the artist’s performance at the 2016 Super Bowl. The pro-Beyoncé ad was targeted at users designated as having African American behaviors. The anti-Beyoncé ad was targeted narrowly at people who had studied to become a police officer or whose job title matched a list of law enforcement or military titles, including officer, colonel, major general (United States), master sergeant, commander (United States), sergeant, brigadier general, petty officer, chief petty officer, lieutenant commander, squadron leader, 911 dispatcher or rear admiral”.

Source : #BlueLivesMatter and Beyoncé: Russian Facebook ads hit hot-button US issues | US news | The Guardian

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