Étiquette : united states (Page 2 of 11)


“Ce mode opératoire a de quoi donner des sueurs froides aux autorités américaines et au-delà : l’entreprise revendique plusieurs dizaines de milliers de clients, à la fois dans les administrations et dans les entreprises. La liste des victimes connues pourrait donc nettement s’allonger dans les prochains jours, et pas seulement aux Etats-Unis.
Selon FireEye, l’attaque est d’ailleurs encore en cours. « Cela pourrait se révéler être l’une des campagnes d’espionnage les plus importantes de l’histoire », a pronostiqué auprès de l’agence Associated Press Dmitri Alperovitch, expert en cybersécurité et fondateur de l’entreprise CrowdStrike, spécialisée dans la traque des pirates informatiques de haut niveau.
Dans un communiqué, Orion a reconnu l’existence de « vulnérabilités », conséquences d’une attaque « ciblée et hautement sophistiquée », selon les mots de son PDG, Kevin Thompson. L’entreprise dit travailler actuellement avec le FBI et les services de renseignement pour comprendre le déroulé précis des faits.”

Source : Etats-Unis : des pirates ont réussi à infiltrer les départements du Trésor et du commerce

YouTube – Supporting the 2020 U.S. election


“Our Community Guidelines prohibit spam, scams, or other manipulated media, coordinated influence operations, and any content that seeks to incite violence. Since September, we’ve terminated over 8000 channels and thousands of harmful and misleading elections-related videos for violating our existing policies. Over 77% of those removed videos were taken down before they had 100 views. ” […]
Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections.

Source : Supporting the 2020 U.S. election

The FTC seeks to break up Facebook


After writing about the potential breakup of Facebook for years, it’s somewhat surreal for me to see the prospect actually arrive. But it’s here: the Federal Trade Commission voted 3-2 to sue Facebook for illegally maintaining a monopoly in social networking, arguing it has used acquisitions and harsh restrictions on third-party developers to prevent competitors from ever gaining a foothold.

If successful, the FTC’s case — which was joined by 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam — could force the company to divest itself of Instagram and WhatsApp, radically reshaping the digital economy. The move comes less than six weeks after the Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit accusing Google of also maintaining an illegally monopoly on search.

“For nearly a decade, Facebook has used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals and snuff out competition, all at the expense of everyday users,” said Letitia James, New York’s attorney general. “Today, we are taking action to stand up for the millions of consumers and many small businesses that have been harmed by Facebook’s illegal behavior.”

Source : The FTC seeks to break up Facebook – Platformer

Monopolies cost Americans $300 a month. We’re no longer the land of free markets


“Implementing a pro-competition policy in America will be no easy task. Incumbent companies maintain their power with an array of unfair tactics to exclude rivals – acquisitions of nascent competitors, heavy lobbying of regulators, and lavish expenditures on campaign donations. To be successful in today’s economy, a pro-competition policy would need to tackle the new monopolies as well as the old ones – the Googles and Facebooks and the pharmaceutical and telecom companies alike. The payoffs would be large, however. Based on my research, I estimate that monopolies cost the median American household about $300 a month. Taking into account all the other inefficiencies monopolies entail, I estimate that the lack of competition deprives American workers of about $1.25tn of labor income every year. No wonder, then, that American workers are angry.”

Source : Monopolies cost Americans $300 a month. We’re no longer the land of free markets | US economy | The Guardian

How an ICE Contractor Tracks Phones Around the World


“Venntel, a government contractor that sells location data of smartphones to U.S. law enforcement agencies including ICE, CBP, and the FBI, gathers information through a highly complex supply chain of advertising firms, data resellers, and ultimately innocuous-looking apps installed on peoples’ phones around the world, according to a cache of documents obtained by Norwegian media organization NRK and shared with Motherboard.”

Source : How an ICE Contractor Tracks Phones Around the World

How Some Conservatives Have Switched to Parler, Rumble and Newsmax

Parler is a Twitter-like app that describes itself as the world’s “premier free speech social network.”

“It might be too early to know whether a widespread, permanent shift away from major outlets will last, especially given the reach of Facebook, Twitter and Fox News. While conservative threats of mass migration away from mainstream apps and news have occurred periodically, people still seem to return to the biggest platforms. Ms. Zepeda, a longtime Facebook user, said she would keep her Facebook account to maintain access to the pictures she’s uploaded over the years. But she expects to drop the social network as a daily destination, joining one of the many Facebook groups that are planning a “Mass Exit off Facebook to Parler & MeWe,” scheduled for Friday. “I’m tired of the bias towards Democrats and liberals,” she said.”

Source : How Some Conservatives Have Switched to Parler, Rumble and Newsmax – The New York Times

“The hearing highlighted the partisan divisions over Silicon Valley’s recent crackdown on misinformation that have been evident throughout the election campaign, with Republicans accusing the companies of going too far in labeling or otherwise limiting the spread of falsehoods and Democrats demanding they do more, especially as Trump and his allies continue to use Twitter and Facebook to spread claims of election fraud without evidence.”

Source : Dorsey, Zuckerberg face senators in another tech hearing on how they handle disinformation – The Washington Post

“The U.S. Administration’s move to ban TikTok and WeChat for U.S. app stores is a direct attack on the Internet. It is an extreme measure that fundamentally undermines the foundation of the Internet. It’s especially a threat to the principles of openness and accessibility as well as its decentralized management. The Internet has no center. This type of top-down intervention is worrisome because – similar to efforts in China – it tries to impose a centralized management style that runs counter to how the Internet actually works.”

Source : Internet Society: U.S. Administration ban of TikTok and WeChat is a direct attack on the Internet | Internet Society

“La chronologie des fichiers s’étale d’août 1996 au 19 juin 2020, soit 24 ans de données. Emma Best, cofondatrice de DDoSecrets met en avant les notes internes contenues dans la base, qui détaillent la façon dont les policiers suivent les manifestants. D’autres documents contiennent les propos des forces de l’ordre sur le mouvement antifasciste, très critiqué par le président Donald Trump pour son rôle dans la contestation. De leur côté, les manifestants ont déjà identifié une note interne du FBI sur leur surveillance des réseaux sociaux qui leur permet d’avertir les forces de l’ordre locales sur les messages anti-police de certains individus. D’autres ont relevé un avertissement interne du FBI sur un groupe de suprémacistes blancs qui se faisait passer pour un groupe d’antifascistes.”

Source : Anonymous fait son grand retour avec le plus gros leak de l’histoire de la police américaine – Cyberguerre

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