Étiquette : Twitter (Page 2 of 8)

Jack Dorsey: I’m ‘Partially to Blame’ for Centralizing the Internet

“Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said on Saturday he partially blames himself for the state of the internet today. « The days of usenet, irc, the web…even email (w PGP)…were amazing, » Dorsey said in a tweet, referring to certain online communication systems that date back to the early days of the internet. « Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. » « I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it, » Dorsey continued.

Dorsey, who co-founded Twitter in 2006 and served as its CEO before resigning in November, has previously supported decentralizing the internet.”

Source : Jack Dorsey: I’m ‘Partially to Blame’ for Centralizing the Internet

Twitter assume n’avoir quasiment pas de modérateurs humains


“Twitter a 300 millions d’utilisateurs et utilisatrices actives par mois, pour seulement 1 867 modérateurs dans le monde. Cette disproportion a été révélée par BFM TV, qui s’est procuré les chiffres que la plateforme a elle-même communiqués au CSA (Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel) en septembre dernier. « Nous avons récemment doublé le nombre de personnes chargées de faire respecter nos règles. Chez Twitter, 1 867 personnes se consacrent exclusivement à l’application de nos politiques et à la modération des contenus. Ce chiffre représente plus d’un tiers de l’ensemble de nos effectifs mondiaux », peut-on lire.”
“L’une des raisons invoquées en filigrane est la dureté des images et contenus auxquelles les modérateurs et modératrices sont exposées : il serait plus « humain » selon Twitter de ne pas leur infliger ce travail. Sur ce point, il serait difficile de contredire la plateforme, tant les enquêtes et reportages médiatiques ont montré, depuis des années, la dureté du métier de modérateur en ligne, des « petites mains » invisibles du web qui sont exposées en première ligne au pire de la violence humaine”.

Source : Twitter assume n’avoir quasiment pas de modérateurs humains – Numerama

“At YouTube, we strive to be a place where creators of all sizes and backgrounds can find and share their voice. To ensure that YouTube promotes respectful interactions between viewers and creators, we introduced several features and policies to improve their experience. And earlier this year, we experimented with the dislike button to see whether or not changes could help better protect our creators from harassment, and reduce dislike attacks — where people work to drive up the number of dislikes on a creator’s videos.
As part of this experiment, viewers could still see and use the dislike button. But because the count was not visible to them, we found that they were less likely to target a video’s dislike button to drive up the count. In short, our experiment data showed a reduction in dislike attacking behavior.
We also heard directly from smaller creators and those just getting started that they are unfairly targeted by this behavior — and our experiment confirmed that this does occur at a higher proportion on smaller channels.
Based on what we learned, we’re making the dislike counts private across YouTube, but the dislike button is not going away. This change will start gradually rolling out today.”

Source : An update to dislikes on YouTube

Twitter is testing emoji reactions for tweets

“Emoji reactions have been available for years on other services like Facebook, as well as on Twitter itself within direct messages. But what’s interesting about Twitter’s emoji choices for its latest test is that none of them are especially negative. There’s no “Angry face” like you’ll find on Facebook, or “Thumbs down” like in Twitter’s direct message emoji reactions.Twitter explains that it decided against choosing these negative emoji because people it surveyed said “they were concerned about receiving negative reactions to some of their thoughts.” A valid concern given how toxic many conversations on Twitter can be.”

Source : Twitter is testing emoji reactions for tweets – The Verge

“The hearing highlighted the partisan divisions over Silicon Valley’s recent crackdown on misinformation that have been evident throughout the election campaign, with Republicans accusing the companies of going too far in labeling or otherwise limiting the spread of falsehoods and Democrats demanding they do more, especially as Trump and his allies continue to use Twitter and Facebook to spread claims of election fraud without evidence.”

Source : Dorsey, Zuckerberg face senators in another tech hearing on how they handle disinformation – The Washington Post

“Twitter it was looking into why the neural network it uses to generate photo previews apparently chooses to show white people’s faces more frequently than Black faces. Several Twitter users demonstrated the issue over the weekend, posting examples of posts that had a Black person’s face and a white person’s face. Twitter’s preview showed the white faces more often.”

Source : Twitter is looking into why its photo preview appears to favor white faces over Black faces – The Verge

“On Friday, Mr Trump posted on Facebook and Twitter that he would respond to violent protests with military force, saying: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” While Twitter slapped a warning on the post and hid it from view for “glorifying violence”, Facebook left the message intact. Over the weekend, Facebook employees contrasted their company’s stance unfavourably with Twitter’s, which last week also labelled two of Mr Trump’s other tweets as potentially misleading.”

Source : Facebook employees revolt over Zuckerberg’s stance on Trump | Financial Times


“About 100M public messages have been collected and analyzed to understand the digital response in online social media to COVID-19 outbreak. Specifically, we used machine learning techniques to quantify: collective sentiment & psychology: lexicon-based and rule-based emotional and psychological state social bot pollution: The fraction of activities due to social bots and the exposure of the Twitterverse to unreliable news News reliability: the fraction of URLs pointing to reliable news and scientific sources”

Source : COVID19 Infodemics Observatory

“We recently discovered that when you provided an email address or phone number for safety or security purposes (for example, two-factor authentication) this data may have inadvertently been used for advertising purposes, specifically in our Tailored Audiences and Partner Audiences advertising system. ”

Source : Personal information and ads on Twitter

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