Source : Google Traduction via Linguisticae
Étiquette : transaction (Page 1 of 2)
With less than 24 hours before the release of the album on Friday, the major digital music services were informed that “25” would not be available for streaming, according to three people with direct knowledge of the plans. A spokesman for Adele declined to comment.
Source : Adele Is Said to Reject Streaming for ‘25’ – The New York Times
Amazon is opening its first physical bookstore, 20 years after the world’s biggest online retailer started selling publications on the internet.
Source : Amazon begins a new chapter with opening of first physical bookstore | Technology | The Guardian
Even Berk, who stopped looking for funding for Neighborrow in 2009, who believes that the core problem with the idea was not trust, insurance, funding, interface, or anything other than human apathy.
Source : The « Sharing Economy » Is Dead, And We Killed It | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Ce n’est donc rien moins que la fin programmée du métier de chauffeur de taxi ou de VTC, ou même, de conducteur UberPOP que Google annonce, et ce, avant 2020 si la loi l’autorise.
Source : Google Car : « l’ubérisation » ultime de la mobilité | Automobile
Under the new payment method, you’ll be paid for each page individual customers read of your book, the first time they read it.
Source : Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Get help with self-publishing your book to Amazon’s Kindle Store
China-based smartphone vendor Xiaomi Technology will launch an online consumer loan company in Chongqing, allowing the smartphone vendor to step into China’s financial market
Source : China market: Xiaomi launching consumer loan company, says report
We could replace the entire advertising industry with a 10–20% bump on our internet subscription fees either on our cable or cell service bill.
Source : Adblocking And The End Of Big Advertising | TechCrunch
There is going to be a buy button, it is actually imminent
Source : Google Confirms a Buy Button Is ‘Imminent’ – Digits – WSJ
In a few weeks, we’ll be introducing buyable Pins—just another way to bring the creative ideas you find on Pinterest to life.