Étiquette : tinder (Page 1 of 2)

Tinder Gives Members More Control With New Feature Allowing You to Block Your Ex

““We may not be able to save you from awkward run-ins at the coffee shop, but we are giving you more control over your experience on Tinder,” said Bernadette Morgan, Group Product Manager, Trust & Safety at Tinder. “We’re rolling out Block Contacts as an additional resource empowering members with peace of mind by helping create a worry-free space for them to spark new connections.” ”

Source : Tinder Gives Members More Control With New Feature Allowing You to Block Your Ex


“Peu importe si vous êtes blanc, noir, bleu ou vert (et ces informations ne sont stockées nulle part). Notre algorithme ne sait pas si vous gagnez 10 € ou 10 millions par an. Et nous n’allons pas vous montrer que les blondes en premier parce que les hommes sont sensés préférer les blondes. Nous n’adhérons pas aux stéréotypes. Alors peu importe que vous fêtiez Noël, Hanouka, l’Aïd, le carnaval, Diwali ou la Gay Pride, pour nous, plus il y a de gens aux parcours différents qui se retrouvent, plus le monde est riche. Notre algorithme est conçu pour être ouvert et nous adorons nos résultats.”

Source : À l’origine de Tinder® — La méthode derrière les Matchs

«Tinder says it’ll wait “a while” before populating a user’s map with their visited destinations. We don’t have exact timing on when these spots will show up. The company also says it’s able to filter out places that don’t qualify as “social” spots, including doctor’s offices, banks, and where you work. It’s unclear whether users will have to manually choose to remove their work or if it’ll do so automatically».

Source : This is what Tinder’s new location-tracking feature, Places, will look like – The Verge

« In five years time, Tinder might be so good, you might be like “Hey [Apple voice assistant] Siri, what’s happening tonight?’“And Tinder might pop up and say ‘There’s someone down the street you might be attracted to. She’s also attracted to you. She’s free tomorrow night. We know you both like the same band, and it’s playing – would you like us to buy you tickets?’… and you have a match. »It’s a little scary. » – SIC

Source : Tinder wants AI to set you up on a date – BBC News

« Après avoir trié d’une manière plutôt obscure les différents profils, l’application qui « lutte contre le statu quo de la culture du hookup  » vous replonge dans le fameux statu quo des swipes, des matchs et du folklore propre au dating. La sapiosexualité devient alors un motif un peu vicieux, qui assume une forme de snobisme peu éclairé, dans lequel, nous sommes finalement tous le sapiosexuel d’un autre ».

Source : Saint-Valentin snob : de quoi la mode de la sapiosexualité est-elle le nom ? – Pop culture – Numerama

In Liquid Love Zygmunt Bauman argued that the solidity and security once provided by life-long partnerships has been ‘liquefied’ by rampant individualisation and technological change. He believes internet dating is symptomatic of social and technological change that transforms modern courtship into a type of commodified game. This article explores the experiences of users of digital dating and hook-up applications (or ‘apps’) in order to assess the extent to which a digital transformation of intimacy might be under way. It examines the different affordances provided by dating apps, and whether users feel the technology has influenced their sexual practices and views on long-term relationships, monogamy and other romantic ideals. This study shows that dating apps are intermediaries through which individuals engage in strategic performances in pursuit of love, sex and intimacy. Ultimately, this article contends that some accounts of dating apps and modern romantic practices are too pessimistic, and downplay the positives of ‘networked intimacy’.

Source : Liquid love? Dating apps, sex, relationships and the digital transformation of intimacy

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