“There are a number of reasons why building subsea cables would appeal to Big Tech companies like Meta. First, sole ownership of the route and cable would give Meta first dibs in capacity to support traffic on its own properties. Meta, like Google, also plays up the lift it has provided to regions by way of its subsea investments, claiming that projects like Marea in Europe and others in Southeast Asia have contributed more than “half a trillion dollars” to economies in those areas. Yet there is a more pragmatic impetus for these investments: Tech companies — rather than telecoms carriers, traditional builders, and owners of these cables — want to have more direct ownership of the pipes needed to deliver content, advertising, and more to users around the world. According to its earnings reports, Meta makes more money outside of North America than in its home market itself. Having priority on dedicated subsea cabling can help ensure quality of service on that traffic.”
Source : Meta plans to build a $10B subsea cable spanning the world, sources say | TechCrunch