« Aujourd’hui, pour relancer la hype autour de son TMA-2 (le fameux casque modulaire) la marque a décidé de rendre plus intuitif le choix des bons composants pour ses clients. Plutôt que de laisser les débutants devant un vertige de possibles (plus de 1 000 combinaisons sont possibles et certains choix peuvent paraître abscons pour l’utilisateur lambda), Aiaiai a décidé de tirer de nos données le meilleur afin de faire un casque sur mesure en fonction de nos goûts musicaux ».
Étiquette : spotify (Page 2 of 2)
“You don’t even have to be a hardcore music fan for it to seem like good value. People who previously thought they weren’t that into music, or didn’t like artists enough to buy entire albums, are now discovering they are far more interested in music than they thought. I think streaming has woken people up to how music can really find its place in your life.”
Facebook has been trying to develop a whole ecosystem of apps that work with Messenger, and Spotify is one of the bigger names to come on board. We may see a lot more come Facebook’s developer conference in April.
Source : Facebook Messenger and Spotify now let you quickly share songs and playlists | The Verge
We now have more technology than ever before to ensure that if you’re the smallest, strangest musician in the world, doing something that only 20 people in the world will dig, we can now find those 20 people and connect the dots between the artist and listeners.
Source : The magic that makes Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlists so damn good – Quartz
In a collective surge of mourning and nostalgia, Spotify users flocked to the streaming music service today, Jan. 11, in search of David Bowie.
Source : This is what David Bowie’s death looked like to Spotify – Quartz
With less than 24 hours before the release of the album on Friday, the major digital music services were informed that “25” would not be available for streaming, according to three people with direct knowledge of the plans. A spokesman for Adele declined to comment.
Source : Adele Is Said to Reject Streaming for ‘25’ – The New York Times
In our new privacy policy, we indicated that we may ask your permission to access new types of information, including photos, mobile device location, voice controls, and your contacts. Let me be crystal clear here: If you don’t want to share this kind of information, you don’t have to. We will ask for your express permission before accessing any of this data – and we will only use it for specific purposes that will allow you to customize your Spotify experience.
Source : SORRY. | Spotify Blog
Of course, it helps that YouTube remains completely free; one of Spotify’s biggest bugbears when it comes to the likes of Taylor Swift quitting their service.
Source : YouTube is the No.1 music streaming platform – and getting bigger – Music Business Worldwide
Spotify will now use your listening history and preferences to find the perfect soundtrack for your run. The app will use the hardware in smartphones (accelerometers, etc.) to determine your pace and play back songs that precisely match your performance.
Source : Spotify will match music to your running pace | The Verge