While our interviewees acknowledge challenges posed by the emergence of big data approaches, they reassert the importance of fundamental tenets of social science research such as establishing causality and drawing on existing theory. They also discussed more pragmatic issues, such as collaboration between researchers from different fields, and the utility of mixed methods.
Étiquette : sciences
Recent developments in computer science, including natural language processing, could provide the foundation for future development of objective clinical tests for psychiatry.
Source : Automated analysis of free speech predicts psychosis onset in high-risk youths : npj Schizophrenia
Le système des incitations fonctionne à merveille pour augmenter le nombre de publications, mais il est rare qu’il produise des résultats intéressants ou utiles.
Source : « Il faut abandonner cette compétition artificielle » – SNF
It seems that the academic article is currently more part of the problem than the solution for the scientific community. The race for the biggest impact and the so called “publish or perish” mentality are responsible for many ethically dubious practices, such as dissecting research results in order to produce the maximum number of articles, inflating lists of referenced articles and co-authors to boost impact factors, and data jealousy (as in – even though I don’t have any use for this data any more, I sure as hell am not publishing it to benefit my competitors). Even though these practices can’t be cataloged under scientific misconduct or fraud, they give science a bad name and jeopardize the quality of published research.
Sur des domaines où la sociologie ou les sciences sociales ont déjà un passé, on ne voit pas beaucoup de choses très concluantes sortir de l’analyse de données.
Source : Police prédictive : la prédiction des banalités | InternetActu
Les prévisions sont difficiles surtout quand elles concernent l’avenir.
Source : S’égarer ou se brûler. Retour vers le futur antérieur de la science | Zilsel
Amenés à mettre en doute la validité d’un principe cardinal de la physique, ils offrent ainsi à la communauté scientifique tous les moyens de mettre à son tour en doute, méthodiquement, le fruit de leurs travaux. Ils s’exposent, volontairement, à la critique de leurs pairs