“In a world where surveillance technology is being deployed everywhere from airports and stadiums to public schools and hotels and raising a plethora of privacy concerns, it’s perhaps inevitable that farms on land and at sea would find ways to exploit it to improve productivity. Just this year, American agribusiness giant Cargill Inc. said it was working with an Irish tech start-up on a facial-recognition system to monitor cows so farmers can adjust feeding regimens to enhance milk production. Scanners will allow them to track food and water intake and even detect when females are having fertile days. Salmon farming may be next in line. As fish vies with beef and chicken as the global protein food of choice, exporters like Norway, the world’s biggest producer of the pinkish-orange fish, have become the focal point for radical marine-farming methods designed to help the $232 billion aquaculture industry feed the world.”
Source : Salmon Farmers Are Scanning Fish Faces to Fight Killer Lice – Bloomberg