Étiquette : platforms (Page 3 of 3)

«D’un point de vue plus stratégique, on peut aussi dire que l’uberisation concurrence des ressources stratégiques (par exemple les licences de taxi ou les emplacements pour les hôtels) par la mutualisation de ressources ordinaires (des individus possédant une voiture ou des logements vides). Le prix d’une licence de taxi à New York s’est ainsi effondré de 1,3 million de dollars en 2014 à seulement 241 000 dollars en 2017. On peut donc en être certain : même si Uber disparaît, l’uberisation – qui touche désormais des industries aussi diverses que le transport routier (avec Trusk), les parkings (avec Parkadom), la publicité (avec Eyeka), le conseil (avec BTG) ou même les salons de coiffure (avec PopMyDay) – lui survivra, et c’est déjà considérable».

Source : Uber, le capitalisme dévoyé

«Une partie du problème réside dans le fait que des sociétés telles que Facebook ou Google se sont approprié – et ont monopolisé – le marché publicitaire en ligne. Cela a abouti à un modèle commercial par répartition ou « pay as you go », dans lequel les annonceurs sont facturés seulement lorsqu’une page est vue ou qu’un utilisateur a cliqué pour la voir. Ce système assure que les sociétés de médias sociaux n’aient aucun incitatif à jouer le rôle d’« arbitres de la vérité ». Toutefois, pour que le combat soit efficace, il faut que l’initiative vienne de ces sociétés elles-mêmes».

Source : Fake news : « L’initiative doit venir des géants du Web »

«The children in the videos appeared to be younger than 13 years old, the minimum age for registering an account on YouTube. The videos themselves did not have sexual themes, but showed children emulating their favourite YouTube stars by, for instance, reviewing toys or showing their « outfit of the day.
The explicit comments on these videos were passed on to the company using its form to report child endangerment – the same form that is available to general users.
Over a period of several weeks, five of the comments were deleted, but no action was taken against the remaining 23 until Trending contacted the company and provided a full list ».

Source : Glitch in YouTube’s tool for tracking obscene comments – BBC News

«What concerns me is not just the violence being done to children here, although that concerns me deeply. What concerns me is that this is just one aspect of a kind of infrastructural violence being done to all of us, all of the time, and we’re still struggling to find a way to even talk about it, to describe its mechanisms and its actions and its effects. As I said at the beginning of this essay: this is being done by people and by things and by a combination of things and people. Responsibility for its out»

Source : Something is wrong on the internet – James Bridle – Medium

Using real-time sensor data generated by connected vehicles, the HERE Open Location Platform will offer drivers a real-time depiction of the road environment that can be accessed through four services, providing valuable, timely insight into the driving experience.The services – HERE Real-Time Traffic, HERE Hazard Warnings, HERE Road Signs and HERE On-Street Parking ­­– provide up-to-date information on everything from potential road hazards, to traffic updates and on-street parking.The services are available to any automaker, municipality, road authority, smartphone maker or app developer to license.

Source : HERE first to unveil services from sensor data of multiple car brands – HERE 360

This is a design fiction to provoke discussions on innovative social media interfaces, platforms, algorithms and design patterns that do not uniquely focus on speed, the “now”, and the accumulation of “moments”. Social media that inform, surprise, remember, provoke but without begging for our focus or attention.

Source : 6andme


Facebook shopping

The majority of time spent on mobile is in apps, and people spend the majority of that time in just a handful of apps, including Facebook and Instagram.1 For people, the mobile shopping experience is often difficult to navigate. Customers can experience slow load times and too many steps on the way to checkout. This is bad for people and bad for marketers.
On Facebook we’ve seen that people are coming to our platform not only to connect with friends and family but also with products and brands.

Source : Connecting People to Brands and Products on Mobile | Facebook for Business

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