Étiquette : photography (Page 1 of 3)

A source you can trust – M11-P | Leica


“A source you can trust – Inviting Clarity & Context The M11-P pioneers the use of encrypted metadata in compliance with the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI). This feature provides an additional layer of transparency to the conception and modifications of an image file, bringing awareness to the file’s provenance. With the Leica Content Credentials, each image you capture receives a digital signature backed by a CAI-compliant certificate. You can easily verify the authenticity of your images at any time by visiting contentcredentials.org/verify or in the Leica FOTOS app.”

Source : Details – M11-P | Leica Camera US

Google AI Blog: Portrait Light: Enhancing Portrait Lighting with Machine Learning

“Professional portrait photographers are able to create compelling photographs by using specialized equipment, such as off-camera flashes and reflectors, and expert knowledge to capture just the right illumination of their subjects. In order to allow users to better emulate professional-looking portraits, we recently released Portrait Light, a new post-capture feature for the Pixel Camera and Google Photos apps that adds a simulated directional light source to portraits, with the directionality and intensity set to complement the lighting from the original photograph.”

Source : Google AI Blog: Portrait Light: Enhancing Portrait Lighting with Machine Learning

“We present a method for detecting one very popular Photoshop manipulation — image warping applied to human faces — using a model trained entirely using fake images that were automatically generated by scripting Photoshop itself. We show that our model outperforms humans at the task of recognizing manipulated images, can predict the specific location of edits, and in some cases can be used to « undo » a manipulation to reconstruct the original, unedited image.”

Source : Detecting Photoshopped Faces by Scripting Photoshop

“Sadly, it’s nothing new that smartphone companies use DSLR photos to fake phone camera’s capabilities. Samsung did it before, so did Huawei. And I believe many more brands do it, we just haven’t found out about it yet. I’m pretty sure that Samsung at least bought my photo legally, even though I haven’t received the confirmation of it. But regardless, this is false advertising.”

Source : Samsung used my DSLR photo to fake their phone’s “portrait mode” – DIY Photography

Figure 1

“A daguerreotype image, the first commercialized photographic process, is composed of silver-mercury, and often silver-mercury-gold amalgam particles on the surface of a silver-coated copper plate. Specular and diffuse reflectance of light from these image particles produces the range of gray tones that typify these 19th century images. By mapping the mercury distribution with rapid-scanning, synchrotron-based micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) imaging, full portraits, which to the naked eye are obscured entirely by extensive corrosion, can be retrieved in a non-invasive, non-contact, and non-destructive manner. This work furthers the chemical understanding regarding the production of these images and suggests that mercury is retained in the image particles despite surface degradation. Most importantly, μ-XRF imaging provides curators with an image recovery method for degraded daguerreotypes, even if the artifact’s condition is beyond traditional conservation treatments”.

Source : Recovery of Degraded-Beyond-Recognition 19 th Century Daguerreotypes with Rapid High Dynamic Range Elemental X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Mercury L Emission | Scientific Reports

«Arsenal’s smart assistant AI suggests settings based on your subject and environment. It uses an advanced neural network to pick the optimal settings for any scene (using similar algorithms to those in self driving cars). Like any good assistant, it then lets you control the final shot. Here’s how it works…»

Source : Meet Arsenal, the Smart Camera Assistant | Features

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