Étiquette : new york

A New York, la société a dépensé 11 millions de dollars en lobbying. Et 8 millions l’an passé à San Francisco. Cet été, elle a recruté des anciens maires de Philadelphie, Houston, Rome et Adelaide pour l’aider à négocier avec les municipalités. Ces incertitudes réglementaires n’ont pas fait fuir les investisseurs. Le mois dernier, Airbnb a levé 555 millions de dollars, sur la base d’une valorisation de 30 milliards. Le dossier new-yorkais pourrait en revanche retarder une introduction en Bourse, attendue par certains observateurs dès 2017.

Source : A New York, une nouvelle loi menace l’avenir d’Airbnb | Silicon 2.0

Some users have been monopolizing the Link tablets and using them inappropriately, preventing others from being able to use them while frustrating the residents and businesses around them. The kiosks were never intended for anyone’s extended, personal use and we want to ensure that Links are accessible and a welcome addition to New York City neighborhoods. Starting today, we will be removing web browsing on all Link tablets while we work with the City and community to explore potential solutions, like time

Source : LinkNYC | Service Update

There are many ways to gauge importance from a social and cultural sense, such as calculating the centrality of the Salt Lake City Airport in a network made up of world airports, or measuring the number and type of notable individuals a city produces. We struggle with just such a question of metrics all the time in the digital humanities, and so I’ve experimented with several more off-the-wall measures. One that I think provides a sense of cultural density, especially in the English-speaking world, is a measure of the quantity of Wikipedia articles associated with a place. It’s very rough, and meant to be one of the ever-useful “gestures” at meaning that are used in the humanities (while the sciences have perfected the proxy, the gesture is truly the most valuable humanities commodity).

Source : A Map to Nowhere | Digital Humanities Specialist

Taxi owners and lenders on Tuesday sued New York City and its Taxi and Limousine Commission, saying the proliferation of the popular ride-sharing business Uber was destroying their businesses and threatening their livelihoods.
The lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court accused the defendants of violating yellow cab drivers’ exclusive right to pick up passengers on the street by letting Uber drivers who face fewer regulatory burdens pick up millions of passengers who use smartphones to hail rides.
According to the complaint, the number of Uber rides in the « core » of Manhattan increased by 3.82 million from April to June 2015 compared with a year earlier, while medallion cab pickups fell by 3.83 million.
They said this had driven down the value of medallions, which yellow cab drivers need to operate, by 40 percent from a peak exceeding $1 million and caused more defaults.

Source : Taxi owners, lenders sue New York City over Uber | Reuters

Poverty and Race in America, Then and Now

New York

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