Étiquette : Netflix (Page 3 of 4)

The High-Bandwidth Digital Copy Protection (HDCP) version 2.2 or higher is still believed to be secure today, but there are signs that pirates have found a way to bypass the protection. Earlier this year the first 4K Netflix leak surfaced. After that it went quiet. However, a few days ago something changed, as many more releases started to appear online.

Source : Pirates Can Now Rip 4K Content From Netflix and Amazon – TorrentFreak

It turns on your TV and brings you right to Netflix, dims your lights, silences your phone, and even orders you food. Intrigued? Follow along with our instructions to make your own.

Source : The Switch

Hastings predicted that in the next 10 to 20 years, all of television will be on the Internet. He added that he was willing to bet that the Internet would be a fast growing industry when he first started Netflix because he saw the incredible consumer experiences that the Internet allowed.

Source : Netflix CEO: All TV will be Internet in 10-20 yrs

L’utilisateur pourrait basculer d’un podcast de France Inter à une vidéo de France Télévisions sans changer de site, manœuvre impossible pour le moment.Comme le font déjà Netflix ou Amazon, le futur usager se verrait directement proposer des contenus similaires à ce qu’il est en train de consulter, venant d’autres médias de la plateforme. En regroupant les données de l’ensemble des utilisateurs des sites de l’audiovisuel public, Louis-Cyrille Trébuchet croit fermement à la recommandation algorithmique.

Source : L’audiovisuel public français est-il soluble en une plateforme unique ? | InaGlobal

Ils pensaient au début que le sexe et l’âge de l’utilisateur étaient des données importantes, mais ils ont retiré cette information du formulaire d’inscription quand ils ont compris que cela n’avait aucune pertinence pour eux. Et pour cause : des grands-mères de 90 ans regardaient Buffy et les Vampires.

Source : Le fascinant cas du Dr. Netflix & Mr. Data

Consumers want a single subscription service that can offer all the movies and TV shows they could possibly want, all in one place. Conditioned by years of streaming music services, audiences simply expect a Spotify-style service to become a reality, and anything that veers away from that goal is seen as a momentous failure.There’s just one problem: a Spotify for movies and TV is never going to happen. And that’s just the way the studios and services want it.

Source : Netflix will never have everything you want, and neither will anyone else | The Verge

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