Étiquette : music (Page 1 of 3)

Animated Chart: The Rise and Fall of Music Sales, by Format (1973-2021)

The Rise and Fall of Music Sales

“We live in a world of music. Whether when driving to work or jamming out at home, people around the world like to have their favorite tunes playing in the background. But while our love for music has been constant, the way we consume media has evolved drastically. The past 50 years have seen many different music formats used to access these tunes, mirroring society’s shift from analog to digital. This video, created by James Eagle using data from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), highlights sales of different music formats in the U.S. over the last 50 years.”

Source : Animated Chart: The Rise and Fall of Music Sales, by Format (1973-2021)

Open AI - Jukebox

“We’re introducing Jukebox, a neural net that generates music, including rudimentary singing, as raw audio in a variety of genres and artist styles. We’re releasing the model weights and code, along with a tool to explore the generated samples.”

Source : Jukebox

“Sonic Pi hasn’t infiltrated classrooms, but it has become a useful tool for experimental composers. That was what drew 29-year-old Melody Loveless, who is classically trained as a percussionist, into the scene. She has been making ethereal, downbeat compositions with code for close to two years now, offloading some of the heavy lifting of rhythm to a set of scripts. That is to say, her arms no longer hold her back. Instead she’s found a new muse in “having my brain sucked into the computer,” she said. “Something about live coding alleviated a lot of stress. If I’m nervous, the computer can stay on, and I can take my time making a decision,” Ms. Loveless said. With percussion, she said, “I had to be on at every measure, I had to be perfect.””

Source : That Music You’re Dancing To? It’s Code – The New York Times

“Les baby-boomers sont-ils plus sages que les millennials? Les millenials sont-ils tous des enfants gâtés? Ces étiquettes qui collent aux générations sont souvent fausses. Mais nous sommes toujours pris dans l’air du temps, comme le rappelle la définition sociologique du terme «génération»: groupe d’âge façonné par des événements et des influences historiques et sociaux communs.”

Source : Voici ce que vos goûts musicaux disent de vous | 24 heures

“’Over the last two years, we’ve shown Google irrefutable evidence again and again that they are displaying lyrics copied from Genius,’ said Ben Gross, Genius’s chief strategy officer, in an email message. The company said it used a watermarking system in its lyrics that embedded patterns in the formatting of apostrophes.”

Source : Lyrics Site Accuses Google of Lifting Its Content – WSJ

Facebook quietly launches a TikTok competitor app called Lasso

Lasso by Facebook

“Lasso is Facebook’s latest bid to win over teens, which the large social media platform has lost its hold over. In 2018, only half of teens say they still use Facebook, compared to in 2014, when 71 percent of them said they did. The app was first reported as in development in late October.On Lasso, users can record themselves dancing and lip-syncing to music, similar to what they can already do on TikTok. The app also lets users record short clips like Vines.”

Source : Facebook quietly launches a TikTok competitor app called Lasso – The Verge

“Si l’industrie musicale dans son ensemble, des titans du disques aux labels indépendants, semble désormais gangrenée par le phénomène, certains audiophiles ont décidé de mener bataille. Depuis 2010, l’ingénieur du son Ian Shepherd organise ainsi le Dynamic Range Day, qui a lieu le 27 avril, pour sensibiliser les acteurs de l’industrie à la question et les exhorter à renverser la vapeur”.

Source : Pourquoi le volume de la musique industrielle a tellement augmenté en 30 ans ? – Sciences – Numerama

“Depuis sa création en 1851, la Sacem conserve des milliers de documents d’archive. Soigneusement sélectionnées parmi les trente kilomètres de rayonnages remplis de demande d’adhésion, examens d’entrée, correspondance, coupure de presse, contrats, ou bulletins de déclaration, voici un large catalogue de pièces inédites, désormais accessibles à toutes et tous. Partez à la découverte des traces et témoignages de celles et ceux qui font vivre la création et en écrivent l’histoire depuis près de deux siècles, et de leurs œuvres”

Source : Musée SACEM: Browse Objects

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