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ChatGPT allowed in International Baccalaureate essays

ChatGPT allowed in International Baccalaureate essays

« While the prospect of ChatGPT-based cheating has alarmed teachers and the academic profession, Matt Glanville, the IB’s head of assessment principles and practice, said the chatbot should be embraced as “an extraordinary opportunity”. However, Glanville told the Times, the responses must be treated as any other source in essays.
“The clear line between using ChatGPT and providing original work is exactly the same as using ideas taken from other people or the internet. As with any quote or material adapted from another source, it must be credited in the body of the text and appropriately referenced in the bibliography,” he said.
The IB is taken by thousands of children every year in the UK at more than 120 schools. Glanville said essay writing would feature less prominently in the qualifications process in the future because of the rise of chatbot technology.
“Essay writing is, however, being profoundly challenged by the rise of new technology and there’s no doubt that it will have much less prominence in the future.”
He added: “When AI can essentially write an essay at the touch of a button, we need our pupils to master different skills, such as understanding if the essay is any good or if it has missed context, has used biased data or if it is lacking in creativity. These will be far more important skills than writing an essay, so the assessment tasks we set will need to reflect this.” »

Source : ChatGPT allowed in International Baccalaureate essays | English baccalaureate | The Guardian

Science professor Wei Xiaoyong developed the new “face reader” to identify emotions which suggest if students are bored or stimulated.His technique produces a “curve” for each student showing how much they are either “happy” or “neutral”, and that data can indicate whether they are bored, he said.“When we correlate that kind of information to the way we teach, and we use a timeline, then you will know where you are actually attracting the students’ attention,” Professor Wei told The Telegraph.

Source : Chinese lecturer to use facial-recognition technology to check boredom levels among his students

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Source : 42.us.org

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