« Les militants de Movement for Black Lives ont régulièrement signalé la suppression d’images abordant le racisme ou montrant des manifestations, au motif qu’elles violent les règles de Facebook. Parallèlement, le harcèlement et les menaces adressées aux militants par rapport à leur couleur de peau, leur religion ou leur orientation sexuelle pullulent sur Facebook. De nombreux militants ont signalé ces comportements sur Facebook mais on leur a seulement répondu qu’ils ne violent pas les règles de la communauté. »
Étiquette : human rights
Today the United Nations Human Rights Council agreed by consensus to a resolution supporting human rights online, despite efforts by hostile states to eliminate key provisions in the text. The landmark document specifically condemns internet shutdowns and renews 2012 and 2014 resolutions that declared, unequivocally, that human rights apply online just as they do offline.
Source : U.N. passes landmark resolution condemning internet shutdowns – Access Now
The debate around encryption is too focused on one side of the security coin, in particular its potential use for criminal purposes in times of terrorism. The other side of the security coin, is that weakening encryption protections may bring even bigger dangers to national and international security
Source : Apple-FBI case could have serious global ramifications for human rights: Zeid