Étiquette : history (Page 1 of 6)

Link Rot and Digital Decay on Government, News and Other Webpages


“The internet is an unimaginably vast repository of modern life, with hundreds of billions of indexed webpages. But even as users across the world rely on the web to access books, images, news articles and other resources, this content sometimes disappears from view. A new Pew Research Center analysis shows just how fleeting online content actually is”

Source : Link Rot and Digital Decay on Government, News and Other Webpages | Pew Research Center

ICI T LIBRE ! – ☼ Bienvenue sur le blog de l’équipe Skyrock !! ☼

“Aujourd’hui, les skyblogs rentrent dans l’Histoire. Pour nous mettre en conformité avec la législation sur les données personnelles, pour conserver la plateforme et les skyblogs dans leur présentation candide et éruptive, il nous faut la geler et la retirer de l’accès public. Chacun pourra transférer sur sa machine son blog, s’il le souhaite, et éventuellement l’effacer. Puis ce trésor sociologique sera anonymisé et prendra le chemin des archives nationales* afin que demain les érudits et les chercheurs puissent se rendre compte avec une granularité inimaginable précédemment de ce qu’était la nouvelle génération du début du XXIe siècle.”

Source : ICI T LIBRE ! – ☼ Bienvenue sur le blog de l’équipe Skyrock !! ☼

30 years of a free and open Web | CERN

“Exactly 30 years ago, on 30 April 1993, CERN made an important announcement. Walter Hoogland and Helmut Weber, respectively the Director of Research and Director of Administration at the time, decided to publicly release the tool that Tim Berners-Lee had first proposed in 1989 to allow scientists and institutes working on CERN data all over the globe to share information accurately and quickly. Little did they know how much it would change the world. On this day in 1993, CERN released the World Wide Web to the public. Now, it is an integral feature of our daily lives: according to the International Telecommunications Union, more than 5 billion people, two thirds of the worldwide population, rely on the internet regularly for research, industry, communications and entertainment. “Most people would agree that the public release was the best thing we could have done, and that it was the source of the success of the World Wide Web,” says Walter Hoogland, co-signatory of the document that proclaimed the Web’s release, “apart from, of course, the World Wide Web itself!””

Source : 30 years of a free and open Web | CERN

The Metaverse Was Lame Even Before Facebook, By Ethan Zuckerman

An image of a person wearing VR headset in 1995

“Neal Stephenson’s metaverse has been a lasting creation because it’s fictional. It doesn’t have to solve all the intricate problems of content moderation and extremism and interpersonal interaction to raise questions about what virtual worlds can give us and what our real world lacks. Today’s metaverse creators are missing the point, just like I missed the point back at Ted’s Fish Fry in 1994. The metaverse isn’t about building perfect virtual escape hatches—it’s about holding a mirror to our own broken, shared world. Facebook’s promised metaverse is about distracting us from the world it’s helped break.”

Source : The Metaverse Was Lame Even Before Facebook – The Atlantic

An Inconvenient Truth About AI

A chart of Milestones in AI from 1950 to 2020.

“Regardless of what you might think about AI, the reality is that just about every successful deployment has either one of two expedients: It has a person somewhere in the loop, or the cost of failure, should the system blunder, is very low. In 2002, iRobot, a company that I cofounded, introduced the first mass-market autonomous home-cleaning robot, the Roomba, at a price that severely constricted how much AI we could endow it with. The limited AI wasn’t a problem, though. Our worst failure scenarios had the Roomba missing a patch of floor and failing to pick up a dustball.”

Source : An Inconvenient Truth About AI

“Apple’s Knowledge Navigator concept video (1987) by Allan Kay and team. This work builds on Kay’s original Dynabook concept developed at Xerox PARC in the early 1970s.”

via Nicolas Nova (@nicolasnova)


“While Saboundjian declined to get into the specifics of which services would be part of the new Winamp or how the app would plug into, say, your Spotify playlists, your Google Music library, your Podcasts app, Audible and so on, he seemed confident that it would meet the needs he outlined. There are many conversations underway, he said, but licensing and agreements aren’t the main difficulty, and of course release is still quite a ways out. The team has focused on creating a consistent app across every platform you might want encounter mobile audio. A highly improved search will also play a role — as it ought to, when your media is all lumped into one place.”

Source : Winamp returns in 2019 to whip the llama’s ass harder than ever | TechCrunch

“Les « fake news » ou les « faits alternatifs », en proposant des types de discours qui ne correspondent pas à des faits avérés, affaiblissent la portée émancipatrice du discours relativiste. Aujourd’hui, le discours relativiste, qui a été un discours progressiste, se retrouve associé à des positions qui ne le sont pas du tout. Des historiens, comme l’Italien Carlo Ginzburg dans les années 1990, nous avaient déjà alertés : comment faire, demandait Ginzburg, pour poser des limites au scepticisme relativiste ? Donald Trump, poussant jusqu’à son extrémité un type de discours réactionnaire qualifiable de relativiste, produit ainsi un grand trouble.” – Arnaud Esquerre.

Source : Les réseaux sociaux sont-ils une menace pour la démocratie ?

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