Étiquette : geotracking (Page 1 of 5)

Subaru Security Flaws Exposed Its System for Tracking Millions of Cars

Location Point Neighborhood Chart and Plot

“Most disturbing for Curry, though, was that they found they could also track the Subaru’s location—not merely where it was at the moment but also where it had been for the entire year that his mother had owned it. The map of the car’s whereabouts was so accurate and detailed, Curry says, that he was able to see her doctor visits, the homes of the friends she visited, even which exact parking space his mother parked in every time she went to church.”

Source : Subaru Security Flaws Exposed Its System for Tracking Millions of Cars | WIRED

Google throws California $93M to make tracking suit go away

“As has been the case in similar lawsuits filed against Google, California alleges that Google designed its location tracking system to deceive users into allowing the collection of location data that could be sold to advertisers for Google’s benefit. Even when such collection was disabled, the California suit alleged, data was still collected through other sources; Google was also misleading about users’ ability to opt out of location-based ad targeting, California claims.
« Our investigation revealed that Google was telling its users one thing – that it would no longer track their location once they opted out – but doing the opposite and continuing to track its users’ movements for its own commercial gain. That’s unacceptable, and we’re holding Google accountable with today’s settlement, » said California AG Rob Bonta. ”

Source : Google throws California $93M to make tracking suit go away • The Register

Gadget sécuritaire: Le traçage GPS s’impose dans les préaux


“Le pistage des enfants en temps réel, parfois à l’aide de balises utilisées à leur insu, fait l’objet d’une discussion au forum national Jeunes et médias ce mardi 9 mai à Berne. Carole Barraud Vial, intervenante en prévention et chargée de projets au sein de la fondation Action Innocence, est l’une des expertes invitées à s’exprimer. «Le traçage de la position pourrait se justifier de manière exceptionnelle, par exemple si on emmène son enfant dans un festival. Mais il faut se demander à quoi il se substitue», souligne-t-elle. Les bracelets d’identification, avec un nom et un numéro à contacter, sont un exemple de solution.”

Source : Gadget sécuritaire: Le traçage GPS s’impose dans les préaux | 24 heures

Les smartphones n’ont plus le choix : il leur faut être compatible avec Galileo


“La différence de précision est phénoménale. Un appel en direction du 112 (qui est le numéro d’appel d’urgence européen) reposait précédemment sur une technologie d’identification basée sur la zone de couverture d’une tour de réseau cellulaire (cell-ID) pour ce qui est de la géolocalisation de l’appelant. Or, son exactitude était toute relative, allant de 2 à 10 km.”

Source : Les smartphones n’ont plus le choix : il leur faut être compatible avec Galileo – Numerama

“We’ve become aware that individuals can receive unwanted tracking alerts for benign reasons, such as when borrowing someone’s keys with an AirTag attached, or when traveling in a car with a family member’s AirPods left inside. We also have seen reports of bad actors attempting to misuse AirTag for malicious or criminal purposes. Apple has been working closely with various safety groups and law enforcement agencies. Through our own evaluations and these discussions, we have identified even more ways we can update AirTag safety warnings and help guard against further unwanted tracking.”

Source : An update on AirTag and unwanted tracking – Apple

How an ICE Contractor Tracks Phones Around the World


“Venntel, a government contractor that sells location data of smartphones to U.S. law enforcement agencies including ICE, CBP, and the FBI, gathers information through a highly complex supply chain of advertising firms, data resellers, and ultimately innocuous-looking apps installed on peoples’ phones around the world, according to a cache of documents obtained by Norwegian media organization NRK and shared with Motherboard.”

Source : How an ICE Contractor Tracks Phones Around the World

Our Work on COVID-19 – Facebook Data for Good

This map shows the distribution of people over the age of 60 in Mexico.

“High Resolution Population Density Maps These are the most accurate population datasets in the world. They are available to download for 169 countries, right now, by anyone, on UN OCHA’s Humanitarian Data Exchange here or Amazon AWS Open Data Sets here. You can find a tutorial video here for how to work with Population Density Maps in QGIS, a mapping software. ”

Source : Our Work on COVID-19 – Facebook Data for Good


“Mobility Trends Reports Learn about COVID⁠-⁠19 mobility trends in countries/regions and cities. Reports are published daily and reflect requests for directions in Apple Maps. Privacy is one of our core values, so Maps doesn’t associate your data with your Apple ID, and Apple doesn’t keep a history of where you’ve been.”

Source : COVID‑19 – Mobility Trends Reports – Apple

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