We ran a series of experiments to measure the energy efficiency and carbon emissions of different models from the HuggingFace Hub, and to see how different tasks and models compare. We found that multi-purpose, generative models are orders of magnitude more energy-intensive than task-specific systems for a variety of tasks, even for models with a similar number of parameters
Étiquette : energy (Page 1 of 3)
“To build a more sustainable future, we need new materials. GNoME has discovered 380,000 stable crystals that hold the potential to develop greener technologies – from better batteries for electric cars, to superconductors for more efficient computing.Our research – and that of collaborators at the Berkeley Lab, Google Research, and teams around the world — shows the potential to use AI to guide materials discovery, experimentation, and synthesis. We hope that GNoME together with other AI tools can help revolutionize materials discovery today and shape the future of the field.”
Source : Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning – Google DeepMind
“Dans le cadre de son engagement pour lutter contre le changement climatique et créer un environnement plus sain, Apple a annoncé aujourd’hui que tous ses sites à travers le monde sont désormais alimentés à 100 % par de l’énergie propre. Cet exploit porte sur les magasins, les bureaux, les centres de données, ainsi que les sites en colocation dans 43 pays, y compris les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, la Chine et l’Inde. L’entreprise a également annoncé que neuf partenaires de la chaîne de production se sont engagés à alimenter toute leur production pour Apple avec de l’énergie propre, ce qui porte à 23 le nombre total de fournisseurs engagés dans cette démarche. ”
Source : Tous les sites d’Apple sont à présent alimentés à 100% par de l’énergie renouvelable – Apple (FR)
“Microsoft today announced it intends to build a new datacenter region in Southern Finland. To support customer needs for high availability and resilience, the new datacenter region will feature Azure Availability Zones, unique physical locations equipped with independent power, networking, and cooling for additional tolerance to datacenter failures. It will join Microsoft’s worldwide network of cloud computing infrastructure of more than 60 regions, over 280,000 kilometers of terrestrial and subsea fiber, and over 190 edge sites.”
“La vague crypto a touché la Suède et cela inquiète fort les instances du pays. Depuis que la Chine a mis un coup d’arrêt au minage de cryptomonnaies sur son sol, la géographie du secteur a été complètement redessinée. Des pays comme les États-Unis et le Kazakhstan ont attiré nombre de sociétés crypto contraintes de délocaliser à la hâte leurs sites de minage. Mais la Suède, qui a pour elle une belle production d’énergie renouvelable, a également tapé dans l’œil des mineurs de crypto.”
“To evade the clampdown, big miners have sent their machines overseas. Mr Su, who also runs a logistics business that transports mining machines, has been chartering Boeing 747s to get used ones out swiftly. Most are going to Russia and Kazakhstan, which together account for about 13% of the world’s bitcoin mining. But there are few data centres abroad with space for lots of new machines, including in America, the second-biggest miner. Building a farm there costs between five and ten times what it does in China, says Mr Su. That is too much for most Chinese miners. More than half of their computers will stay put for now, he says.”
Source : Deep in rural China, bitcoin miners are packing up | The Economist
“We’ve enhanced Android’s auto-rotate feature with face detection, using the front-facing camera to more accurately recognize when to rotate the screen. This is especially helpful for people who are using their devices while lying down on a couch or in bed, for example. For developers, this means that the auto-rotation behavior will provide a better user experience for users who have opted in through Settings. The enhanced auto-rotate feature lives within our recently announced Private Compute Core, so images are never stored or sent off the device. In Beta 3 this feature is available on Pixel 4 and later Pixel devices.To make screen rotation as speedy as possible on all devices, we’ve also optimized the animation and redrawing and added an ML-driven gesture-detection algorithm. As a result, the latency for the base auto-rotate feature has been reduced by 25%, and the benefits of the face detection enhancement build on top of those improvements. Give the auto-rotate improvements a try and let us know what yo”
Source : Android Developers Blog: Android 12 Beta 3 and final APIs
“Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index”
Source : Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI)
« We are apolitical, we do not participate in geopolitics, do not need to tie us with a defined government and look for our motives, » it said in a statement posted on its website. « Our goal is to make money and not creating problems for society. »
The group seemed somewhat surprised that its actions resulted in closing a major pipeline and suggested that perhaps it would avoid such targets in the future.
Source : FBI Confirms DarkSide as Colonial Pipeline Hacker – The New York Times
“Combien de tonnes équivalent carbone pourrait-on économiser ? 16 433 – soit 280 000 km en voiture, ou 40 000 aller-retour Londres-Madrid en avion… En renonçant juste un fois par jour, une seule fois, à envoyer ce fameux petit « merci », vous imaginez ?”
Vraiment ? Il est temps de prendre ce sujet au sérieux et d’arrêter de dire des…
Source : Contre le « merci » envoyé par courrier électronique !