Étiquette : delegation (Page 6 of 6)

Gu Li, as quoted by Hassabis, was a lot more philosophical about his loss to the new version of AlphaGo: « Together, humans and AI will soon uncover the deeper mysteries of Go. » Gu Li is referring to the fact that AlphaGo plays Go quite differently from humans, placing stones that completely confound human players at first—but upon further analysis these strategies become a « divine move. » While there’s almost no chance that a human will ever beat AlphaGo again, human players can still learn a lot about the game itself by watching the AI play.

Source : That mystery Go player crushing the world’s best online? It was AlphaGo again | Ars Technica

Here’s how it would work: Passengers would step up to the kiosk and be asked a series of questions such as, « Do you have fruits or vegetables in your luggage? » or « Are you carrying any weapons with you? » Eye-detection software and motion and pressure sensors would monitor the passengers as they answer the questions, looking for tell-tale physiological signs of lying or discomfort. The kiosk would also ask a series of innocuous questions to establish baseline measurements so people are just nervous about flying, for example, wouldn’t be unduly singled out.

Source : The lie-detecting security kiosk of the future

« « Chaque minute passée à effectuer une recherche légale est une minute perdue. » C’est aussi envoyer un message à ceux qui pensent être à l’abri de l’automatisation : même les professions expertes auxquelles on accède à minimum bac + 5 n’échapperont pas à une forme de « substitution logicielle », comme l’appelle Bill Gates.En clair, les cols blancs sont autant menacés par les progrès de la technologie que les caissières de supermarché ».

Source : Les robots ébranlent le monde des avocats

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