Étiquette : delegation (Page 5 of 6)

« Ingesting data, predicting trends, and suggesting solutions is almost perfectly suited to DeepMind’s neural network expertise. While the National Grid is surely aware of some potential optimisations, a more rigorous investigation by a DeepMind AI may uncover solutions that the grid’s human operators have never considered. One thing’s for certain: a system as large as the UK grid has millions of inefficiencies ».

Source : DeepMind in talks with National Grid to reduce UK energy use by 10% | Ars Technica UK

“We don’t want to have to explicitly use verbal cues or a push of a button, something that’s very unnatural for the human to communicate with the robot,” Gil adds. “We want this to be very natural and almost seamless.” And nothing is more seamless than a robot reading your mind.
“We’re also very interested in the potential for using this idea in driving,” says Rus, “where you have passengers in an autonomous car and the passengers’ fears or brain signals—I mean this is getting futuristic—but the brain waves from the passengers get used by the car to adjust its own behavior.”

Plus simple qu’un bouton ? Really ?

Source : Baxter the Robot Fixes Its Mistakes by Reading Your Mind | WIRED

« Dans sa lutte contre les contenus « abusifs » et le harcèlement, que Twitter affiche depuis plusieurs mois comme une priorité, le réseau social vient d’annoncer qu’il allait désormais sanctionner automatiquement certains comptes, sans passer par un modérateur humain.Un algorithme va pour cela scruter le contenu des tweets afin de repérer les utilisateurs problématiques, sans qu’ils soient nécessairement signalés par des internautes ».

Source : Harcèlement : Twitter automatise désormais une partie de sa modération

« Facebook has now developed pattern-recognition algorithms to recognise if someone is struggling, by training them with examples of the posts that have previously been flagged.Talk of sadness and pain, for example, would be one signal.Responses from friends with phrases such as « Are you OK? » or « I’m worried about you, » would be another.Once a post has been identified, it is sent for rapid review to the network’s community operations team ».

Source : Facebook artificial intelligence spots suicidal users – BBC News

« Watson’s imaging technology has potential beyond heart disease including for breast cancer, for pulmonary and brain disease, and for ocular diseases like diabetic retinopathy. In the near future, IBM plans to expand Watson’s cardiovascular imaging work from AS to nine other cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks, valve disorders, cardiomyopathy or disease of the heart muscle and deep vein thrombosis ».

Source : IBM Watson will diagnose heart disease when doctors may have missed it

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