Étiquette : antisemitism

Telegram is crawling with antisemitism

“Telegram has been unresponsive to Hope Not Hate’s flagging of extremist antisemitic channels and accounts. Hermansson says that the organisation has reached out to the platform with a list of the worst-offending channels advocating for terror. “And they’re still up there. The ones that have disappeared have disappeared of their own accord,” he says. “Not because of Telegram.” That is dangerous, he says, because the impact of these channels can very easily bleed into the offline world. The British fascist group Patriotic Alternative has established a significant presence on Telegram, while the transnational neo-Nazi outfit AtomWaffen Division, which has been linked to at least 11 murders worldwide, has also managed to expand its reach thanks to the platform. “It’s not just kind of a fluffy ideology we are talking about,” says Hermansson. “It’s actual terror propaganda.””

Source : Telegram is crawling with antisemitism | WIRED UK

« According to the Crimson, at least ten students have had their acceptance to Harvard rescinded as a result. The university has declined to comment on the « the admissions status of individual applicants. » It’s not the first time Harvard has dealt with bad-meme-posters in an incoming class of freshmen (just last year, administrators officially admonished students in the Class of 2020 via Facebook), but this might be the first time anyone’s had their acceptance revoked over memes ».

Source : Students Lose Acceptance to Harvard Over Racist Memes – Motherboard

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