Mois : avril 2020 (Page 2 of 2)

“Telegram Channels are a powerful tool for broadcasting your messages to unlimited audiences. Since 2015, media organizations and public figures have been using them to reach readers, voters and fans – especially in countries where freedom of speech is limited.Recently, we noticed a new type of channel gaining popularity: those created by Ministries of Health from around the world. India, Malaysia, Israel and many other countries now send news updates, warnings and tips via Telegram.”

Source : Coronavirus News and Verified Channels

“Les mesures de surveillance, via nos usages des technologies, que suggèrent nos gouvernants relèvent en réalité d’une stratégie pour détourner notre attention de la cause réelle du problème que constitue l’abandon de l’hôpital public. Ils tablent sur la culpabilisation des citoyens désireux d’agir pour faire adopter des outils toujours plus intrusifs et évitent soigneusement de mettre en lumière les multiples réseaux de solidarité qui se forment, les besoins criants des associations pour aider les plus précaires, les multiples critiques de notre mode de vie qui émergent même des plus libéraux. Plutôt que d’assumer les conséquences désastreuses d’une politique de santé défaillante, leur diversion consiste à inverser les rôles, à nous faire passer, nous, pour ceux qui refuseront d’aider les autres. Comme si nous devions être coupable de vouloir protéger notre vie privée, d’exprimer notre colère, ou simplement de suggérer des alternatives. ”

Source : Urgence partout, État nul part – La Quadrature du Net

“Facebook representatives approached controversial surveillance vendor NSO Group to try and buy a tool that could help Facebook better monitor a subset of its users, according to an extraordinary court filing from NSO in an ongoing lawsuit. Facebook is currently suing NSO for how the hacking firm leveraged a vulnerability in WhatsApp to help governments hack users. NSO sells a product called Pegasus, which allows operators to remotely infect cell phones and lift data from them.”

Source : Facebook Wanted NSO Spyware to Monitor Users, NSO CEO Claims – VICE

Community Mobility Reports

“ As global communities respond to COVID-19, we’ve heard from public health officials that the same type of aggregated, anonymized insights we use in products such as Google Maps could be helpful as they make critical decisions to combat COVID-19. These Community Mobility Reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. ”

Source : COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports

Staying at Home During Coronavirus Is a Luxury

“Although people in all income groups are moving less than they did before the crisis, wealthier people are staying home the most, especially during the workweek. Not only that, but in nearly every state, they began doing so days before the poor, giving them a head start on social distancing as the virus spread, according to aggregated data from the location analysis company Cuebiq, which tracks about 15 million cellphone users nationwide daily.”

Source : Location Data Says It All: Staying at Home During Coronavirus Is a Luxury – The New York Times


“Now that a large portion of the world is working from home to ride out the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom’s popularity has rocketed, but also has led to an increased focus on the company’s security practices and privacy promises. Hot on the heels of two security researchers finding a Zoom bug that can be abused to steal Windows passwords, another security researcher found two new bugs that can be used to take over a Zoom user’s Mac, including tapping into the webcam and microphone.”

Source : Ex-NSA hacker drops new zero-day doom for Zoom | TechCrunch

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