Mois : novembre 2018 (Page 2 of 4)

Huawei - 5G

“The move follows Australia’s decision to ban Huawei from supplying 5G equipment over concerns it could facilitate Chinese spying, and its barring from some U.S. government contracts on national security grounds. Germany, which lacks a telecoms hardware industry of its own, is keener to maintain its traditionally close trade and investment ties with Beijing without compromising on its own cyber-security, say officials.”

Source : Exclusive: China’s Huawei opens up to German scrutiny ahead of 5G auctions | Reuters

Cyberstructure L'Internet : un espace politique

“Une grande partie des activités humaines se déroule aujourd’hui sur l’Internet. On y fait des affaires, de la politique, on y bavarde, on travaille, on s’y distrait, on drague… L’Internet n’est donc pas un outil qu’on utilise, c’est un espace où se déroulent nos activités.” – Stéphane Bortzmeyer @bortzmeyer

Source : C & F Éditions

“Today, Privacy International has filed complaints against seven data brokers (Acxiom, Oracle), ad-tech companies (Criteo, Quantcast, Tapad), and credit referencing agencies (Equifax, Experian) with data protection authorities in France, Ireland, and the UK. Privacy International urges the data protection authorities to investigate these companies and to protect individuals from the mass exploitation of their data. Our complaints target companies that, despite exploiting the data of millions of people, are not household names and therefore rarely have their practices challenged. In tandem with the complaints, we have today launched a campaign to seek to empower people and make it easier to demand that these companies delete our data.”

Source : Privacy International files complaints against seven companies for wide-scale and systematic infringements of data protection law | Privacy International

Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin

“After the streaming-video giant released the second season of the comedy “Grace and Frankie” in 2016, its product team put up an image to promote the show to U.S. subscribers that only included Ms. Fonda’s co-star, Lily Tomlin. Tests showed that more users clicked on the show when the photo didn’t include Ms. Fonda. The decision set off a high-pitched internal debate. The Los Angeles-based content team was concerned that Netflix risked alienating Ms. Fonda, and that the move could even violate her contract, while the tech group in the Los Gatos, Calif., headquarters argued the company shouldn’t ignore the data, according to people familiar with the discussions.
In the end, Netflix chose to put images that included Ms. Fonda back in the mix.”

Source : At Netflix, Who Wins When It’s Hollywood vs. the Algorithm? – WSJ

“YouTube tends to recommend progressively longer and more popular content to users. This analysis illustrates how YouTube’s recommendation engine encourages users to engage with progressively longer content. The videos encountered in the first step of these random walks (that is, the initial starting videos chosen at random) collectively averaged 9 minutes and 31 seconds in length. But the first videos selected by the recommendation engine were nearly three minutes longer on average. Average video length then progressively increased for each subsequent recommendation. By the fifth and final step in these walks, these videos were on average nearly 15 minutes long”.

Source : Many Turn to YouTube for Children’s Content, News, How-To Lessons | Pew Research Center

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