« Pie chart showing the proportion of lurkers, contributors and creators under the 90–9–1 principle » (via 1% rule (Internet culture) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Mois : octobre 2014 (Page 3 of 6)
« A registered sex offender and serial flasher from Brisbane is believed to be the first child sex predator caught by an undercover online sting targeting pedophiles with a virtual fake child nicknamed Sweetie. » (via News.com.au).
Facebook’s corporation tax in the United Kingdom for 2013 came to a grand total of £3,169 ($4,005). The income tax paid by an inner London school teacher on the minimum starting salary of £27,543 comes to over £3,500.
On dirait que Jeff Bezos veut continuer à diriger un genre d’organisme caritatif plutôt qu’une entreprise qui gagne de l’argent avec ses millions de clients.
It was incredibly natural and almost jarring — you’re in the room, and there’s a dragon flying around…
(via Don’t Fly Drones Here)
Evil is what Sergey [Brin] says is evil.
The human brain is still the best display ever made…