La collecte systématique des “métadonnées” téléphoniques aux Etats-Unis est “constitutionnelle” et “légale”, a martelé la sénatrice Feinstein tout en reconnaissant que les révélations de Snowden avaient conduit à “un malheureux mais bien réel scepticisme de l’opinion” sur les intrusions de la NSA dans la vie privée des Américains.
Mois : septembre 2013 (Page 3 of 10)
Alors qu’il fête ses 15 ans, Google, le géant du Web, change-t-il d’objet social pour devenir une grande entreprise de “progrès humain” ?
While privacy protections vary by state, that tack is perhaps easier for prosecutors to take, but arguing that spreading a photo shared with a defendant invaded the subject’s privacy is more difficult than if it was stolen, especially without a law specifically concerning that case.
« To deal with this congestion, ISPs had to come up with a way to keep the internet running without slowing everything down So they reconfigured their motorways by introducing ‘priority lanes’ for certain types of internet traffic. Internet traffic can be thought of as being represented by different types of vehicles. Activities like streaming video are the lorries and take up a lot of space, whereas emailing or browsing are smart cars and much smaller ». (via Ofcom | What is internet traffic management?)
With cellphone cameras ubiquitous and many Americans giving in to the urge to document even the most intimate aspects of their lives, revenge porn has opened up new ways to wreak vengeance. The effects can be devastating. Victims say they have lost jobs, been approached in stores by strangers who recognized their photographs, and watched close friendships and family relationships dissolve. Some have changed their names or altered their appearance.
PowerUp 3.0 iPhone Controlled Paper (par Shai Goitein)
iPhone 5s Test Footage – 120 fps (par Rishi Kaneria)
(via Kindle Fire HDX Tablet)
While most mainstream services already allow users to delete their accounts, the new law is the latest development in what’s been a particularly proactive effort by California legislators to deal with online issues. The state already has provisions in place that ensure victims of domestic violence can have information pulled from the web, and last year it passed a law that prevents employers and universities from demanding Facebook login credentials from individuals.
Today I am signing Assembly Bill 1844 and Senate Bill 1349, which prohibit universities and employers from demanding your email and social media passwords. California pioneered the social media revolution. These laws protect Californians from unwarranted invasions of their social media accounts.